News & Publications

News Offices

The Stanford News Service provides assistance to reporters and disseminates much of the university's news. The Medical School has its own news bureau, as do other schools and research centers. The office of University Communications serves as representatives for the university, the President and the Provost.

Stanford Report

Stanford Report, the university's newspaper, is published every Wednesday and updated daily on the web. It is a publication of the Stanford News Service.

The Stanford Daily

The Stanford Daily, an independent newspaper published by Stanford students, has been a fixture of the campus since the University was founded in 1891. The paper began as a small publication known to locals as The Daily Palo Alto and has grown to its current status as one of the finest college newspapers in the country. It is published Monday through Friday during the academic year.

Stanford Magazine

This award-winning, bimonthly magazine is published by the Stanford Alumni Association.

Student Publications & Media

Numerous student organizations on campus produce journals, publications and other media offerings. They include: