2009 School for Beginning Market Growers

Posted November 2008

Aspiring fresh market vegetable growers can learn fundamentals of the business from veteran growers and other experts at the 2009 Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers, Jan. 16-18 on the UW-Madison campus.

Demand for fresh, local produce has never been higher, points out John Hendrickson, who has served as the schools coordinator since 1997.  Farmers’ markets are seeking vendors, innovative chefs want high quality ingredients, grocery stores want to stock local products, and most community-supported agriculture (CSA) farms are selling as many shares as they can handle, he points out.

But while this demand creates opportunities for commercial growers, it doesn’t ensure profitability or survival, Hendrickson cautions.

“We want people to not just learn how to grow food, but how to make smart decisions about marketing, pricing, capitalization and labor,” Hendrickson says. “Our intensive workshop is designed to provide a holistic and detailed look at what it takes to start and operate a business growing and selling fresh vegetables.”

The school emphasizes organic production methods and direct marketing, delving into fertility management, use of greenhouses, extending the season, pest management, equipment, planning and budgeting. There will be ample opportunities to network with others interested in starting a fresh produce business, and to peruse a show-and-tell table featuring a variety of small tools and gadgets.

Instructors include veteran organic growers Michael Racette of Spring Hill Community Farm, Tricia Bross of Luna Circle Farm and Jenny Bonde of Shooting Star Farm. They will share their strategies for selling through farmers’ markets and CSAs and directly to restaurants. Other speakers will cover topics ranging from insects to business management.

“The greatest thing about this workshop is that it is based in reality…actual growers from working farms with true experience,” noted one past participant. “Their honesty and generosity with detailed information is invaluable.”

The School for Beginning Market Growers is sponsored by the UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. The fee is $275. Enrollment is limited to 30, so early sign-ups are encouraged. For more information, contact John Hendrickson at (608) 265-3704 or jhendric@wisc.edu, or visit the CIAS web site: www.cias.wisc.edu.

Bob Mitchell, CALS Communications

CIAS in the community

How do we get more local produce in the marketplace?

How do we get more local produce in the marketplace?

On December 8th, CIAS co-hosted a meeting for 50 public and private sector leaders to discuss the opportunities and challenges of fresh produce aggregation and distribution in Wisconsin. This meeting was supported in part by the Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment, a UW-Madison based fund designed to foster public engagement and advance the Wisconsin Idea. The December 8th meeting exemplified the Wisconsin Idea, bringing together university and other public sector advocates and private sector food industry business leaders. The agenda for this meeting was designed to identify and begin addressing the key barriers to greater local food sale in Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. Notes from this meeting will be available shortly. For more information, contact Anne Pfeiffer, 608-890-1905.

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