Biodynamic and Organic Gardening Resource Site

Earth & Cosmos

Title: Earth & Cosmos
Location: Frey Vineyards 1400 Tomki Rd, Redwood Valley, Ca 95470
Link out: For details and Registation Click here
Description: The principles of the polarity of cosmos and earth in the Biodynamic preparations will be presented using images from embryology, physiology and natural science. Read the rest of this entry »

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Time for the Seed Catalogs

It’s the dead of winter and it seems like there is a new seed catalog arriving everyday in the mailbox. The four color catalogs awaken the urge for warmer days and the beginning of a new gardening season. the illustrations fire the imagination and soon we have visions of giant vegetable and fruits dancing in our heads. Read the rest of this entry »

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Is it Possible to Practice Biodynamic Gardening Using Vegan Materials?

During my many years as a backyard biodynamic and organic gardener I have often been asked, “Is it possible to practice biodynamics without the use of animal products?”

I think that the question that should be asked is it possible that agriculture could be practiced at all without the use of animals, most notably the cow, the bee and the earthworm. The plethora of creatures great and small; insects, nematodes, Ciliate, flagellates, amoeba, mites, ants, aphids, birds, moles, voles, rabbits and woodchucks contribute their excretions and bodies to the living soil organism and are as important as the flora with which they coexist.

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