
Inside Digital Media - digital music issues

by Yuko Noguchi, posted on April 3, 2004 - 11:16pm.

Regarding digital music issues, there is a website with a series of very good audio interviews, called Inside Digital Media. It includes interviews with people from RIAA, Apple regarding iTune and iPod, MusicMatch, Microsoft, among others.

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Digital Hollywood conference

by Yuko Noguchi, posted on April 3, 2004 - 3:16am.

3月29日から31日にかけて、Digital Hollywoodというカンファレンスに出席してきました。ハリウッドのお膝元で開催されるだけあって、映画・音楽・放送などの関係者、技術サイドの関係者などが集まり、パネルで意見交換をすると共に、新しい技術やビジネスの話題で盛り上がるなど、なかなか楽しく、かつ勉強になるイベントです。

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control v compensation

by Yuko Noguchi, posted on March 1, 2004 - 12:02am.

近頃、米国のデジタル著作権の分野で、相次いで、著作権の強制許諾制度的な提案がなされています。Neil Netanel論文Terry Fisherのもうすぐ出版予定の本「Promise To Keep」の第6章Raymond KuJessica Litmanドラフトなど、皆それぞれ提唱する制度の範囲や条件が多少違うものの、著作権の強制許諾制度を導入して流通を促進しつつ、一定の許諾料をクリエーターや権利者に還元しよう、という点では共通しています。この発想自体は別に新しいものではなく、既に音楽のラジオ放送などでは、アメリカでも日本でも導入されていますし、著作権管理団体によるライセンス・システム(業界では強制許諾と呼んでいたりします。)も、実質的に似た機能を果たしています。

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control v compensation

by Yuko Noguchi, posted on February 27, 2004 - 11:28am.

Is it enough to give full compensation to the artists and copyright holders? Or, is it important to give a power to control how their works are used? This is one of the important questions to ask when you think about copyright policies.If compensation is good enough to stimulate creation, the law can take the step toward compulsory licensing system, where people can use copyrighted work without permission and pay back some royalties. This can be the system with very low transaction costs, because you can omit negotiations. Many scholars are proposing such systems. See Chapter 6 of Terry Fisher’s forthcoming book, “Promise To Keep” , for example.

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strict policy v loose policy

by Yuko Noguchi, posted on February 9, 2004 - 7:34pm.



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strict policy v loose policy

by Yuko Noguchi, posted on February 5, 2004 - 11:39am.

There are two main policies to increase the welfare of the society, as Prof. Lessig pointed me out a while ago. This idea itself is not new at all. It is more one of the tools to analyze each issues. So, here are, for the sake of my memory, the summary of these two strategies.

4 main areas in which you can expand copyright protection.
1) expand the scope of rights holders
2) expand the scope of the rights each rights holders have
3) stronger enforcement and changing judicial procedure in favor of rights holders
4) technological protection and legal support to such technologies

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