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Stanford researchers uncover link between two aging pathways

elderly-couple.jpgAge-related degeneration of tissues, organs and, yes, even facial skin with which we all struggle is an active, deliberate process rather than a gradual failure of tired cells, say Stanford researchers. Derailing or slowing this molecular betrayal, although still far in the future, may enable us to one day tack years onto our lives — or at least delay the appearance of that next wrinkle.

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Stanford launches $100 million initiative to tackle energy issues

Hennessy-and-Orr.jpgRecognizing that energy is at the heart of many of the world's tribulations—economic, environmental and political—Stanford is establishing a $100 million research institute to focus intently on energy issues, President John Hennessy announced today.

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Hennessy co-chairs panel urging Obama to fix 'broken' export controls

cargo ship.jpgThe National Research Council has recommended that President-elect Barack Obama issue an executive order in January directing the government to overhaul outdated export and visa controls that harm national security and economic prosperity.

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Too much screen time undermines doctor-patient relations

doctor-computer.jpgIn a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, Abraham Verghese writes about the School of Medicine's push to emphasize and improve bedside examination skills while calling for a nationwide change toward this end in medical education.

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Equatorial belt faces major food crisis by 2100, study finds

hands-with-rice.jpgRapidly warming climate is likely to seriously alter crop yields in the tropics and subtropics by the end of this century and, without adaptation, leave half of the world’s population facing serious food shortages, according to a study published in the Jan. 9 edition of the journal Science.

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'Relocation' plan of metastatic cancer cells uncovered by Stanford researchers


Few things are as tiresome as house hunting and moving. Unfortunately, metastatic cancer cells have the relocation process down pat. Migrating cancer cells plan ahead by first sending molecular emissaries to orchestrate a breach in the body’s natural defenses. Blocking this cascade of events in mice hobbled the cells’ migration and prevented the metastatic cancer that developed in control animals.

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Depression Babies: How Our Economic Experiences Affect Investment Behavior

Great_Depression.jpgYour grandmother’s habit of hoarding pennies in a jar notwithstanding, until now there’s been no hard evidence that economic events like the Great Depression actually change investment behavior. However, a new study demonstrates that personal experience does matter – and that the economic times we live through have a significant impact on how we invest our money.

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Escape from mouse trap: Immunologist calls for more research on humans

lab_mouse.jpgThe time has come for immunologists to start shifting from mouse models to human ones in the study of the immune system, writes Mark Davis in a new article.

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  • VIDEO: Graduate student Viviana Gradinaru is combining neuroscience and bioengineering to study the human body's circuits. Binyamin Blum, a student in history and law, is studying the transplantation of English common law into the Middle East between World Wars I & II. This work has potential to inform current policy debates about introducing the rule of law abroad.

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