Government of Saskatchewan
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Friday, January 16, 2009

September 2008

The Forage, Feed and Custom Service Listing is available without cost to the user. Saskatchewan Agriculture does not guarantee quality of products/services or the integrity of the registered users. Saskatchewan Agriculture may delete or correct any listing deemed to be inappropriate.

Note: Please use the buttons and links within the Forage, Feed and Custom Service Listing to navigate through the site.  Avoid using your browser's "Back" button.

To see the entire current list:

  • Select "Find Product/Service" and click "Search". You may refine your search by selecting values from the drop down lists.

To submit a new listing:

  • For first time users, select "Register New User"; complete the form and '"Save".
  • For previous users, select "Register New Product" or "Register New Service". You will be asked for your User Id and Password if it has not already been supplied.
  • Complete the form that appears after selecting a product or service type from the dropdown list and click "Save".
  • The product will be reviewed by Saskatchewan Agriculture.

To change your listing:

  • Select "Find Product/Service" and click "Find My Listings". You will be asked for your User Id and Password if it has not already been supplied.
  • To view a listing, select the "View" button. To modify the listing select the "Edit" button, complete your changes and click "Save".

The product will be reviewed by Saskatchewan Agriculture.

For a print version of the listings, please contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377 or one of our Regional offices.


Product and Service Summary Reports:  
NOTE: The above reports will open in a new window. To view an HTML version, click the HTML link. For a PDF version, click the PDF link.

Other Listings:

For more information contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377.

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