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Elsevier's goal is to add value to your paper by offering services and expertise not available anywhere else.

We offer increased visibility for your paper through our large community of respected and well-known resources.

In addition, our authors enjoy significant benefits before, during and after publication.

125 Years of Publishing Expertise
For the past 125 years, the name Elsevier has been synonymous with excellence in publishing. That tradition carries on today. Every year, Elsevier accepts and publishes more than 250,000 journal articles. More than 20% of the key international scientific publications recognized by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) are published with us, and nearly 25% of all papers published in those publications are submitted by us.

World-Renowned Publications
Among the thousands of journals and books published by Elsevier are some of the world’s most prominent and respected medical, scientific and technological publications. These include The Lancet, Cell, Tetrahedron Letters and a host of others. View a list of our most prominent publications.

Communities That Work for You
Elsevier fosters excellent working relationships with stakeholders throughout the entire publication process. We will find the right community for you through our wide range of contacts and subject areas. Read More

A Prominent Class of Peers
Those who publish with Elsevier can take pride in knowing that the most honored scholars, scientific leaders and educators - from Galileo to Jules Verne to Stephen W. Hawking - have published with Elsevier, as well. In fact, in 2006, 6 Nobel Prize winners had been previously published with Elsevier.

Your Rights: Our Responsibility
At Elsevier, our authors are our life's blood. That's why we're dedicated to protecting your rights as an author and ensuring that any and all legal information and copyright regulations are addressed. Read More

Benefits to Authors
We also provide many publication benefits, such as free offprints, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. In addition, Elsevier is committed to the highest standards of electronic archiving and information sharing, to ensure that your article will be available for years to come.

Elsevier's Service to the Community
Elsevier recognizes its responsibility to the community and the world at large. We take pride in our many different corporate responsibility programs.

E-Tools That Serve the Times - and Increase Your Visibility
When Elsevier's founder, Jacobus Robbers, began the company in 1880, he probably never dreamed of the advances in technology that would happen over the course of 125 years. But, as always, Elsevier is at the forefront of the electronic reference and resource field.

Elsevier’s online products show both our commitment to author support and our expertise in the field.

Elsevier's most prominent online products include:

Elsevier's leading full-text platform, ScienceDirect, now offers over a quarter of the world’s STM (Science, Technical and Medical) articles integrated with a growing range of authoritative books, including reference works, handbooks and book series.

The most comprehensive science-specific search engine on the Internet.

MD Consult:
An integrated family of online medical information services.

The world’s largest bibliographic database, which offers powerful
and innovative search and browse facilities.
The most comprehensive Biomedical and Pharmacological database in the world.

A new, evidence-based electronic information system providing original
information and updated thinking on the latest in evaluation, diagnosis,
management, outcomes and prevention.

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External link  HINARI/OARE/AGORA Information Philanthropy Video (YouTube)

External link  Reed Elsevier World Environment Day Video.

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