Golan v. Gonzales

The CIS filed this suit on behalf of a University of Denver, Colorado conductor and others, seeking to have the CTEA and the Uruguay Round Agreements Act declared unconstitutional. The suit challenges Congress’s ability to reclassify works that have already passed into the public domain as copyrighted, thereby giving ownership back to private entities.

Lessig on the Continuing Question of © and the First Amendment

by Brandy Karl, posted on January 23, 2008 - 12:13pm.

On January 4, the Supreme Court denied the petition for cert in Kahle v. Gonzales. On that same day, in a victory for CIS, the 10th Circuit refused the government's petition for rehearing in Golan v. Gonzales.

Government Seeks Rehearing in Golan

by Brandy Karl, posted on December 11, 2007 - 12:09pm.

After our win in Golan v. Gonzales, the government has petitioned the Tenth Circuit for a rehearing of the case, which decided that the Uruguay Round Agreements Act altered the "traditional contours" of copyright and therefore triggers First Amendment Review.

The Attorney General's office seeks a standard - that First Amendment review is only triggered by changes in the idea/expression dichotomy or in fair use - that the Supreme Court has already rejected in Eldred. Our response to the petition for rehearing urges the Tenth Circuit adhere to its carefully reasoned opinion in this case.

Substantive Tags: Fair Use Project

Victory In The 10th Circuit: What Enters The Public Domain Stays In The Public Domain

by Anthony Falzone, posted on September 4, 2007 - 8:09pm.

The Tenth Circuit handed us a momentous victory today, holding that the Uruguay Round Agreements Act ("URAA") altered the "traditional contours of copyright protection" by resurrecting copyright protection for works that had fallen into the public domain, thus contravening the "bedrock principle of copyright law that works in the public domain remain in the public domain."

While this decision does not invalidate the URAA, it does hold that the URAA must pass either strict or intermediate First Amendment scrutiny on remand.

Read the full decision here.

Substantive Tags: Fair Use Project

Golan v. Gonzales -- The First Amendment Lives!

by Christopher Sprigman, posted on September 4, 2007 - 8:05pm.

It's almost midnight here on the east coast, but I'm wide awake -- happily -- because I have some truly *great* news to report. The 10th Circuit just handed down its ruling in the appeal of Golan v. Gonzales. And we have won! The First Amendment lives! (at least in the 10th Circuit).

Substantive Tags: Fair Use Project

Golan v. Gonzales Briefed And Argued In Tenth Circuit

by Anthony Falzone, posted on September 4, 2006 - 8:52pm.

Golan v. Gonzales has been briefed and argued in the Tenth Circuit, and we are awaiting a decision. Government's brief is here.

Opening Brief Filed

by Jennifer Granick, posted on July 18, 2005 - 2:05pm.

Today we filed the opening brief in our appeal to the Tenth Circuit. We argue that the URAA – by restoring copyright to materials that are in the public domain – departs dramatically from the “traditional contours of copyright protection” by violating a fundamental design of the Constitution’s Progress Clause (Art. I, sec. 8, cl. 8): that works passing into the public domain stay there. Download the brief here.

Disappointing ruling

by Colette Vogele, posted on April 27, 2005 - 2:56pm.

Last week, the District Court ruled on the parties' pending cross motions for summary judgment. The Court denied Plaintiff's motion for partial summary judgment, and granted the government's summary judgment motion on all claims. This means the case is over at the trial court level. Although Plaintiffs had collected and produced much evidence of the harms associated with the enactment of the URAA, the Court was unpersuaded that the factual issues should preclude summary judgment or enter its analysis of the parties' claims.

Joint pretrial order & pretrial conference

by Colette Vogele, posted on April 27, 2005 - 2:42pm.

At the end of March, the parties jointly filed a Pretrial Order in preparation for trial in June. A pretrial conference was held before Magistrate Judge Boland on April 11. Our new lead trial attorney, Ted Herhold of the law firm Townsend & Townsend, appeared on behalf of Plaintiffs.

Plaintiff's summary judgment motion

by Colette Vogele, posted on April 27, 2005 - 2:24pm.

In February, Plaintiffs filed a summary judgment motion on the Copyright Clause claim. The motion has been fully briefed. Here is the Government's opposition, and Plaintiff's replybriefs.

Government's reply brief on summary judgment

by Colette Vogele, posted on December 6, 2004 - 9:30am.

The Government's reply brief in support of summary judgment was filed on Nov. 24, 2004. No hearing date is presently scheduled for this motion.

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