Aguiar v. Webb

Plaintiff William V. Aguiar III, sued documentary filmmaker Floyd Webb, alleging that Webb's promotional website and film trailer for his upcoming film infringe on copyrights and trademarks that Aguiar claims to own. Webb's film, "The Search for Count Dante," will chronicle the real-life odyssey of martial arts master John Keehan, a.k.a. Count Juan Raphael Dante -- "The Crown Prince of Death." Aguiar, the asserted heir to Dante's legacy and intellectual property, succeeded in temporarily shutting down Webb's promotional website and removing his video trailers from YouTube. Having succeeded in restoring all of the above, we are defending Webb against Aguiar's false claims of infringement, and have filed a counterclaim for misrepresentation of copyright under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and declarations of non-infringement.

Aguiar v. Webb: Webb Defeats Aguiar's Preliminary Injunction Motion

by Julie Ahrens, posted on February 21, 2008 - 5:14pm.

Floyd Webb successfully defeated William Aguiar’s motion for a preliminary injunction last Friday at a hearing before Judge Wolf in the Massachusetts District Court in Boston.

Substantive Tags: Fair Use Project

Aguiar v. Webb: Webb Opposes Motion for Preliminary Injunction

by Brandy Karl, posted on November 14, 2007 - 6:50pm.

On October 12 we filed Floyd Webb's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Plaintiff, in his motion, asked the court to enjoin Floyd Webb from using on his website or in his documentary film any copyrighted materials or trademarks the Plaintiff claims to own.

Substantive Tags: Fair Use Project

Aguiar v. Webb: Documentary Film Program Defends Filmmaker's Fair Use and Free Speech Rights

by Brandy Karl, posted on October 18, 2007 - 10:49am.

Plaintiff William V. Aguiar III, sued documentary filmmaker Floyd Webb, alleging that Webb's promotional website and film trailer for his upcoming film infringe on copyrights and trademarks that Aguiar claims to own. Webb's film, "The Search for Count Dante," will chronicle the real-life odyssey of martial arts master John Keehan, a.k.a. Count Juan Raphael Dante -- "The Crown Prince of Death."

Substantive Tags: Fair Use Project
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