The DATCP grazing program provides information, support and coordination for graziers and organizations across Wisconsin. We also work to increase marketing opportunities for pasture-raised foods. Here is our latest information:

The 2008 Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative Grant Program

In 2008, we are expecting allocations from both state and federal sources for the GLCI grant program. A portion of the funding, $400,000 has already been allocated by the State of Wisconsin. An additional $950,000 is expected when the US Congress passes the 2008 budget. We expect these funds to become available in Spring, 2008. In anticipation of receiving them, we are issuing this call for proposals in two categories now: technical assistance and education. Our research call for proposals will be issued within the next few weeks.

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Managing Drought Stressed Pastures

Over the last several years, many areas have experienced summer drought conditions for a few weeks to several months. Compared to annual crops, pastures and hayfields are much more dependent on evenly spaced, adequate rains to yield well. A well-managed rotational system will keep your paddocks growing longer into a drought, but no amount of rest makes up for a lack of water. So what can a producer do when the tap is shut off? Download fact sheet

Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative

The Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) was founded to provide high quality technical assistance on privately owned grazing lands on a voluntary basis and to increase the awareness of the importance of grazing land resources. Established in 1991, GLCI is carried out through coalitions of individuals and organizations functioning at the local, state, regional and national levels. The coalitions include livestock producer organizations, scientific and professional grazing resource organizations, conservation and environmental groups, and state and federal natural resource and agriculture agencies.

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Profitable Pastures Field Day is August 10

The UW Lancaster Ag Research Station will host its 7th Annual Profitable
Pastures Field Day from 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. on August 10th. Kicking off the field day will be an interactive producer discussion addressing the topic ‘Getting Through the Summer Slump’.

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