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2008 in plain view - Part 3

Posted on 23 December 2008 in Business ( 7 )

(This is the third part of my “2008 in plain view” series. Read the first and second parts here.)

Along with WooThemes, the second half of my business activities consists of doing some custom design & development work at {radiiate}. To an extent, {radiiate} represents a bigger success to me personally, compared to that of WooThemes, since it is a much more traditional business (with overheads and employees etc.) and thus more difficult to pull off - even though WooThemes is definitely the bigger business by far.

That said, I love the diversity of my daily tasks, as I’m faced with new challenges every day without having the repetitive nature of most day jobs. Both of my businesses stimulate me on different levels and 2008 would love have been as great if I didn’t have both of these fantastic opportunities in my life. Here’s a brief rundown of my journey within {radiiate} in 2008: (more…)

2008 in plain view - Part 2

Posted on 22 December 2008 in Wordpress ( 1 )

(This is the second part of my “2008 in plain view” series. Read the first part here.)

WooThemes has become a major part of my daily life and business career - partly because of its success on a business front and partly because of the fun I’ve had whilst building a sustainable, online business. I think that both Magnus and Mark would agree that the last 5 months (since migrating Premium News to WooThemes) has been an amazing experience and we’ve learned a helluva lot about ourselves, our business and running an online business in general. Here’s a few things that stand out from 2008… (more…)

2008 in plain view - Part 1

Posted on 21 December 2008 in Personal ( 3 )

When asked how my 2008 is played out, I must humbly admit that I do not have the words to explain / justify my experiences and feelings (which is a first for me, considering I normally have loads to say…). This time last year, I had a conservative and fixed idea of what I could expect this year, but a few unexpected decisions and changes really blew that out of the water (in a good way!).

So what I have tried to do is use my blog archives as a recap of everything that has happened this year and compile it into a blog post that shows 2008 in plain view. 2008 could yet turn out to be a milestone in my very young life / career and I believe this post will show exactly how much I actually learned and experienced.

I have thus split this reflection up into 3 different parts, which will be covering my personal highlights (this post), as well as everything great that happened in WooThemes & {radiiate} this year. So to start this little series, here’s a few personal highlights & lessons from 2008: (more…)

The WooThemes Long Tail

Posted on 21 December 2008 in Social Media ( 9 )

After a recent discussion on the WooThemes blog about the viability of our latest theme (Abstract by Veerle Pieters) as a “premium” theme, I’ve decided to put everything into perspective - using the example of the long tail, which has shot to prominence under the web & social media.

The long tail suggests that the traditional Pareto distribution is still in play and that 20% of a business’ products will amount to 80% of its income. But the web is allowing for unlimited choice and thus the other 80% of a business’ products has an appeal to a bigger base niche users - compared to those interested in the top 20% products. So with this phenomenom, we’ve seen that sales on the long tail (i.e. the 80%) is no starting to eclipse that of the top 20%.

So how does this apply to WooThemes?

At this moment in time, we have about a 40:60 split in terms of users subscribing to our club (and thus getting access to all of our themes) versus those that only purchase a theme once-off. So for our club members, the long tail is slightly irrelevant, as they get access to all of our themes anyway - irrespective of the niche use of an individual theme. But when one has a look at the stats of those individual theme purchases, it is clear to see that the long tail is definitely in play… (more…)

4 Mac OSX Apps that made 2008 more fun

Posted on 18 December 2008 in General ( 11 )

During the last two weeks of 2008, I plan on being somewhat reflective about all the things that have stood out (in my life and daily surroundings) during what is shaping up to be the best year of my life! So first up in this regard, I’ve decided to highlight 4 amazing (little?) applications - for Mac OSX of course - that I’ve found truly helpful and productive during 2008, whilst also enabling me to have more “fun” whilst working.

When I got the opportunity to switch from PC to Mac at the beginning of 2008, I jumped at the opportunity, whilst not truly grasping how much it would be changing my life. I think bar from the coolness of Mac, I’ve found the various “smaller” apps a blessing in disguise and I’ve actually been more than willing to purchase these legally (confession: on PC, I had the tendency to pirate).

The four applications that I’ll feature here (in the order in which I purchased them) is a must-have for anyone within any kind of creative industry and even more so for digital professionals. Check them out: (more…)

Along with the release of Abstract on WooThemes (the theme was designed by the amazing Veerle Pieters), we’ve also decided to make your Christmas all the more jolly with an amazing “4 for 1″ special. It has never been this easy to grab 4 amazing, top-notch themes for the very low price of an individual theme.

So hop over to our themes page right now and select your 4 themes. This offer is only valid from 17 - 24 December - so you better move quick!

Posted on 17 December 2008 in WordPress Chunks ( 0 )

Since the {radiiate} website is not as well-followed as my own blog just yet, I figured that I’d re-hash our latest post on {radiiate} here. Also considering that my Top 53 Blog Designs of 2007 post proved really popular last year, we decided to do something similar this year…

This year, we’ve gone one better and FRESH01, Foxinni & myself compiled a list of 100 amazing web designs that inspired us on our client projects - at {radiiate} - during 2008. So check out our Top 100 Web Designs of 2008 and give us a dig if you can spare a minute.

Posted on 17 December 2008 in Design Chunks ( 2 )


Posted on 11 December 2008 in Business ( 10 )

I’ve been looking for a rockstar designer to add to the {radiiate} team for a while now, in which has been a very, very frustrating experience considering that good talent is hard to find. So when I finally went to one of Cape Town’s top design schools’ exhibitions last week, I was super stoked to find 3 possible designers that had truly rocking portfolios.

So I met each of the 3 candidates this week in what the corporates would call a “job interview”. I however just wanted to meet the person behind the portfolio, as there’s other qualities that are much more important to me (than purely design skills). So with that in mind, these are the factors that I now need to consider before hiring any of them:

  • How many should I hire? Work-wise I can probably hire two new team members, but that decision would also put a lot of pressure on me personally, as I’d need to sacrifice a lot of my time to their development, whilst also making sure there’s sufficient work to justify two additional employees. On the background of the current economic situation (even though {radiiate} has skipped all the downsides of it until now); perhaps I should be conservative and hire only one new designer?
  • Male / Female? What age / experience level is ideal? Etc… All of these play a role… From the start I’ve been very keen to get a lady involved in our creative processes, as we are three guys at this stage and we can do with some femalie intuition every now and again. And age is also an interesting consideration, as you can either go younger and mould them into your kind of designer or go with more experience (thus older) and start reaping the benefits right away. So it’s very much a short vs long term thing on the age…
  • Should they be older than I am? I’ve got no idea… My ego would be able to handle it, but how would they react to it?
  • The skills? Am I after a web designer or just a designer in general? Are their technical skills more important than their creativity, ideas and thinking?
  • Personality. Honestly I’d much rather work with someone less talented if that means that they’re down-to-earth, friendly, hard working and easy to work with. {radiiate} is not about me or anyone else that works here - it’s about us collectively and a bad apple can bring that whole vibe down.

So who to choose? :)


You have arrived at The Station

Posted on 8 December 2008 in Wordpress ( 16 )

It’s been a while since I last designed and released a theme myself on WooThemes (the last being VibrantCMS), due to us being so busy collaborating with other great designers, that I think I started doubting my own design ideas & abilities. So in-between doing a helluva lot of client work of late (and moving house of course), I’ve finished a new theme concept, which will be called “The Station”.

My aim with this theme, was to fill a gap that I don’t think any of our other themes were catering for at the moment. So features like breadcrumb navigation, stronger (and more prominent) sub-page navigation, along with multiple different page templates to fit around your content will differentiate this theme from our other business offerings (like VibrantCMS & Over Easy).

Plus, I can’t let Magnus - “Busy Bee / Flash Gordon” - continue to dominate our theme sales… I think he needs some competition along the way…

So here’s the mockups of the different pages… The theme is officially going into development now and you can expect the release thereof in January. Your feedback is appreciated as always! (more…)

Multiple Outlets

Posted on 4 December 2008 in Social Media ( 4 )

Even though I haven’t the most active I’ve ever been online (in publishing blog posts, tweets & other content), I must admit that I’ve been enjoying my decision to split up my content production across several platforms; instead of only having this blog as my online outlet. Maybe the reason I’m so happy with this approach is actually because I haven’t had that much time to publish complete, well-thought-out blog posts, but you can still follow my activity.

At this stage, I’m basically publishing content across the following outlets: this blog, the WooThemes & {radiiate} blogs, Twitter, and Flickr (all which I use for different reasons and different types of publishing). The other nice thing about this, is that my prominent lifestream in the sidebar catches and syndicates the content outside of this blog; thus still making this blog my primary contact point to the online world.

In my mind, there are two reasons why such a decentralized approach makes sense:

  1. I’m publishing specific content on specific blogs and in the process I’m not rehashing news / information across the different outlets. For example - a post about client issues in the web industry makes more sense on the {radiiate} blog than it would here.
  2. I have a wider reach, because some of you might subscribe to the feeds of all these outlets, but some might only want to follow me on Twitter or on the WooThemes blog.

So I don’t know how valuable you have found this approach, but I think it has been pretty succesful. The traffic on my blog is steady, whilst I had 1527 subscribed RSS readers (as of today), which is my highest yet. In my mind, that means there’s some truth in my summary of this current situation… What’s your opinion?


Posted on 2 December 2008 in Personal ( 2 )

If you follow me on Twitter, then you’d know that I moved into a new house over the weekend. Whilst it has been fun and an amazing experience; it has also been draining (maybe because we got a 7 week old puppy as well) and immensely time-consuming, which is why I’ve been so quiet since the end of last week.

It is however at times like this, when I really appreciate the decisions I made (in working for myself and having this time freedom), but also realizing how blessed & lucky I’ve been. This is truly an amazing end to an amazing year and I hope to find enough time to actually blog about my experiences of 2008 before I leave for a much-needed break in mid-December. On the other hand, there’s so many things that happened this year that deserves a - so it may take a while… :)

(Oh and I’ll try my best to post some photos of the new place a little later this week, when things are more settled…)

Challenging Myself

Posted on 25 November 2008 in Personal ( 8 )

I think I have a rather unique personality when it comes to life choices, the challenges thereof and whether those will stimulate me in the long term. The fact that I get bored with something very easily doesn’t help either… :)

See, I’m somewhat of a fast-paced guy when it comes to career choices & business projects - I can’t sit still! Even though I’m the exact opposite when away from work, which is evidenced in me buying a house for example and getting married at quite a young age - so I actually love settling down and making myself comfortable in my personal life. But with business, I’m after a whole different kettle of fish…

Having established two successful businesses during this year, I can honestly tell you that I’m not motivated by money - not even in the slightest. Yes, I’m really happy with my comfortable life, which have allowed me many luxuries at a relatively young stage in my life - but these are blessings and I can’t take full credit for these. (more…)

Along with meeting a few junkies yesterday, Mark & I also made our flash-video-screen debut when we joined the From The Couch guys yesterday for a great little chat (20 minutes) about WooThemes, WordPress & South Africa. So check Part 1 & Part 2 here. (Plus you are free to have a go at me in the comments…)

Posted on 20 November 2008 in General Chunks ( 7 )

Meeting a few junkies

Posted on 20 November 2008 in General ( 7 )

Considering that Mark is in town at the moment, we decided to meet up with the peeps behind the impressive Joomla themes club - JoomlaJunkie. I guess our aim was to get to know them, learn about how they run their business and maybe even talk a bit of future business collaboration. Instead however, we just chilled out with a bunch of the coolest people you’ll ever meet…

We met up with Chris, Andrew & Tess (I’m linking to their Twitter profiles, since they consider it to be their it to be their primary point of contact online these days) for a few drinks and some snacks yesterday. Neither Mark or I planned on staying too long, since we both had to get to some other meetings thereafter, but the enthusiasm (for life, business & the web) we experienced in the meet made us stay about a hour longer than we could’ve… :) So kudo’s to Chris, Andrew & Tess for an awesome meeting yesterday - it’s really amazing meeting like-minded people in your own backyard and just sharing stories about life, love (!?) and everything else.

I think the meeting was made even more special, considering that two of the most prominent CMS theme clubs (JoomlaJunkie & WooThemes) were both born in our own amazing country - South Africa. So it goes without saying that we - as South Africans - can be helluva proud of what we’re doing online, since it is having a global impact.

And suffice to say, I left the gathering feeling more inspired than I’ve been in a long, long while…

If you have any kind of interest in WordPress themes (i.e. you’re a blogger with a WP blog, you’re a developer using WP etc.), then I’d like to ask you to take part in the WooThemes Survey. The survey shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes to complete and contains questions about WordPress themes in general, as well as your opinions & views about WooThemes.

We hope to hear from you!

Posted on 16 November 2008 in WordPress Chunks ( 4 )