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Support for reviewers

Listening to reviewers

Tools to help

Help on hand

Support for reviewers

We have collected some resources that address some reviewing basics. Our Peer Review Guide gives an overview of the process. We have also asked some of our editors to give advice to reviewers. The brief statistics guide for reviewers may be of assistance to reviewers in Health, Life, and Behavioral Sciences.


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Listening to reviewers

We regularly survey reviewers to gain a better understanding of your needs and how we’re doing when it comes to meeting them. You may have been asked to complete our Reviewer Feedback Programme online survey, which includes questions about reviewers’ overall satisfaction, their willingness to review again, the perceived reputation of the journal, interaction between the journal editor and publisher, and the quality and relevance of the article reviewed. 

Findings from the Reviewer Feedback Programme help us to improve the reviewing experience. For example, 90% of reviewers said they would like to be able to see the final decision and other reviewers’ comments on a paper, so we added this functionality to EES. Editors are now able to switch on this functionality should they choose to do so.

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Tools to help

We provide tools to help you review

The Elsevier Editorial System, or EES, is an online system to help authors, editors and reviewers throughout the submission, peer review and editorial process.

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Scopus in EES

Every time you review a paper for an Elsevier journal, you are entitled to 30 days’ access to Scopus. With it, you can find related articles, references, papers by the same author, and more, all from the Scopus search bar located directly in EES. Scopus can help you:

Investigate a new topic

Look for a particular article

Keep up-to-date with the publications of a particular writer

Request an e-mail notification when a paper is cited

Find out what is published in a particular field of study

Create a citation overview for an author

Review an author’s work 

Reference linking

For Elsevier reviewers, reference linking reduces the amount of time you spend searching and checking references and citations, by providing seamless click-through access to abstracts of referenced articles in papers you review via EES.

Hyperlinks to the abstracts of referenced articles are listed after each reference, enabling you to check the reference directly. By clicking on the link, you will automatically see the abstract and the full text in ScienceDirect.   

Help on hand

To make sure that EES users are given the best possible support:

  • An enhanced EES user self-help site contains FAQs, tutorials, hints & tips and a new Live Chat feature for instant help. The site can be accessed through the “Help” link on your journal’s EES page or at External link
  • We are continually developing our suite of External linkonline training tutorials.


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