Anthony Falzone

Anthony Falzone's picture
Professional/Job Title
Executive Director, Fair Use Project; Lecturer in Law

Tony Falzone is the Executive Director of the Fair Use Project and a Lecturer in Law at Stanford Law School. As an intellectual property litigator, he has defended writers, publishers, filmmakers, musicians and video game makers against copyright, trademark, rights of publicity and other intellectual property claims. Most recently, he represented RDR Books in copyright litigation against J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers (which was tried in New York last April), and the producers and distributors of the film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed in litigation against Yoko Ono Lennon and EMI Records. This follows notable victories on behalf of Professor Carol Shloss in her lawsuit against the Estate of James Joyce, and on behalf of electronic musician BT in a copyright infringement case in the Southern District of New York. In addition to litigating, Tony teaches Fair Use in Film, and Advanced Topics in Cyberlaw and Fair Use at Stanford Law School. He also advises documentary filmmakers, writers, artists and other content creators on fair use and other intellectual property issues.

Tony has been recognized by the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal as one of the "Top 100 Lawyers in California" and one of the "50 Leading IP Litigators in California."

Prior to his work at Stanford, Tony was a litigation partner in the San Francisco office of Bingham McCutchen. He is a 1997 graduate of Harvard Law School, and was a law clerk to the Hon. Barry T. Moskowitz, U.S. District Judge, Southern District of California.


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