27 June TO  02 July 2004
                        OF AGROFORESTRY
                     Working Together for Sustainable Land-use Systems


Announcing the
2nd World Congress of Agroforestry

23-28 August, 2009 l Nairobi Kenya

(click here to visit the web site)


The Congress has concluded -- the following information
is provided for reference purposes only.



-l-Financial Assistance

-l-Organizing Committees

-l-Who Should Attend

-l-Pre-Congress Workshops

-l-Related Links


-l-Pre-Congress Tour

-l-Travel Information

-l-Call for Abstracts

-l-"SeaWorld" Excursion

-l-Orlando Area Information

-l-Congress Field Trips


-l-Contact Information



-l-Print Version of Congress Second

-l-Tentative Agenda


  l-February 2004 Newsletter
  l-December 2003 Newsletter
-October 2003 Newsletter

Congress web site updated: 26 June 2008  




Agroforestry began to attain prominence in the late 1970s, when the international scientific community realized its potentials in the tropics and recognized it as a practice in search of science. During the 1990s, the relevance of agroforestry for solving problems related to deterioration of family farms, increased soil erosion, surface and ground water pollution, and decreased biodiversity was recognized in the industrialized nations too. Thus, agroforestry is now receiving increasing attention as a sustainable land-management option the world over because of its ecological, economic, and social attributes.

Agroforestry research and development are, however, at a crossroads. The potential of the practices has been amply illustrated, but the investment in a science base has not reached a level that can meet the demand for technology delivery. It is time, therefore, to evaluate progress, assess available options, and design strategies for the future.



  • To provide a global forum for agroforestry professionals to share knowledge, experiences, and ideas.

  • To plan future strategies in agroforestry research, education and training, and development.



Planned publications include a state-of-the-art compendium of about 30 chapters, a book of abstracts of all presentations, and a Congress Declaration. Selected presentations will be published as peer-reviewed journal articles after the congress. The Congress Declaration that will capture the discussions and deliberations during the congress will be developed for use as a policy document for further promotion of agroforestry.

New Vistas in Agroforestry

The Congress Compendium will be available for purchase at the congress for a once only special price of $20 per copy. For a preview of the chapters and authors, click here.


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  • Academicians

  • Development Professionals

  • Environmental Consultants

  • Extension Specialists

  • Farmers/Land Owners

  • Government Officials

  • Land Managers/Consultants

  • Natural Resource and Forestry Professionals

  • Non-Government and Private-Voluntary Organizations

  • Policy Makers

  • Private Sector Representatives

  • Scientists

  • Students
Return to Index


The official language of the Congress shall be English. Congress deliberations and communications will be handled in English only. All monetary figures mentioned are in US dollars.


The overall congress theme “Working Together for Sustainable Land-use Systems”, will be developed throughout the congress in plenary, sub-plenary, concurrent, and poster sessions. World leaders in research and development of natural resources will speak on different aspects of this theme during the inaugural, plenary, and sub-plenary functions.


Plenary Sessions - The congress deliberations will focus on five major topics.

  • Improvement of Rural Livelihoods

  • Enhancement of the Environment and Landscape

  • Agroforestry Science and Education

  • Policy, Social, and Institutional Issues

  • Agroforestry: The Next 25 Years

Sub-plenary Symposia - There will be eight symposia, two simultaneously each day, on the following topics.

  • Agroforestry and Food Security

  • Biodiversity

  • Carbon Sequestration and Environmental Benefits

  • Ecological Basis of North American Agroforestry

  • Public/Private Partnerships

  • Technology Transfer

  • Trees and Markets

  • Water Issues

Oral (Concurrent) and Poster Sessions - Invited and voluntary contributions will be presented in more than 20 oral sessions, up to six of them concurrently, and two poster sessions, under the following themes.

  • Agroforestry (AF) Adoption

  • AF and Food Security

  • AF Education

  • AF for Health and Nutrition (AIDS/HIV)

  • AF in Semiarid Regions

  • Biodiversity

  • Biophysical Interactions

  • Carbon Sequestration and Environmental Benefits

  • Climate Change

  • Eco-agriculture

  • Economic Analysis

  • Gender and AF Adoption in Africa

  • Land and Tree Tenure and Management of AF

  • Land Owners’ Session

  • Local AF Knowledge in Global Context

  • Managing Genetic Diversity

  • Mechanization in AF

  • Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

  • Scaling up of AF Benefits

  • Short-rotation Woody Crops, Phytoremediation

  • Small Farm Soil Fertility Management Strategies

  • Tree Domestication

  • Trees in Fragmented Landscapes

  • Tropical Homegardens

  • Valuation of Environmental Benefits

Return to Index




All individuals who wish to present their work in any aspect of agroforestry are invited and encouraged to submit an abstract for consideration as an oral or poster presentation at the congress. Oral presentations of accepted submissions will be scheduled for one of the concurrent sessions. Suggested themes for different sessions are listed under the section “oral (concurrent) and poster sessions.” Authors may indicate their session preference in which they wish to present their work. All abstracts, both oral and poster, will be published in the book of abstracts to be distributed at the congress and posted on the web site following the congress. Special issues of relevant international scientific journals will feature selected presentations from the congress. Following the congress, authors of such presentations will be invited to develop and submit full manuscripts for consideration as peer-reviewed journal papers. 


The abstract deadline has been extended until 15 October 2003. Abstracts are to be submitted electronically. Hard copies of abstracts may be considered only under exceptional circumstances such as the authors having no access to electronic-submission facilities. Detailed instructions on how to submit an abstract are provided below. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure that your submission is received and recorded.


All foreign nationals who wish to attend the congress and need a visa for entry into the USA are strongly encouraged to start their visa application process as soon as possible as the application process could take up to six months. Travel reservations should also be made sufficiently in advance as more than 40 million people visit Orlando’s world-renowned attractions annually.


Deadline for Abstract Submittal has passed.


Return to Index




Wednesday, 30 June 2004
Hosted by: The School of Forest Resources and Conservation (SFRC), IFAS/University of Florida


Congress participants have the opportunity to select one of the three half-day field trips described below to visit agroforestry practices in the region, at no additional cost, on Wednesday, 30 June 2004. The congress registration form provides a place for indicating your field trip preference. These field trips are available for registered congress participants only (not for accompanying persons).

Note: The field trips are within 50 miles (80 km) from Orlando. All field trips will involve walking through forests/tree stands; field attire is recommended; approximate duration: 1:30 to 6:30 pm.

Agroforestry in an Urbanizing Landscape

Land management practices that are being used to increase income from agricultural and natural-resource activities in central Florida include: growing high value floral and herbal crops under trees; integrating livestock, timber production, hunting and ecotourism; alley cropping with vegetables; and more intensive management of riparian zones. Tour stops will look at these options to maintain rural landscapes north and east of Orlando, and will include discussions on the role of non-timber forest products, silvopasture, and streamside management zones in the southeastern U.S.


Non-Timber Forest Products and Public Land Management

The field trip will visit a forest farming (lucrative fern production) area northeast of Orlando and travel back through the Ocala National Forest to see how collection permits for 'crooked wood' and other special forest products (NTFPs) fit in timber and public land management plans.


Short Rotation Woody Crops (SRWC) (Co-hosted by The Common Purpose Institute)

Fuelwood could be used advantageously for co-firing in the electric utilities that are concentrated in central Florida region and reclaimed phosphate mined lands in the region constitute a significant land base on which SRWCs may be cultivated as fuelwood. This field trip will visit a 50-hectare SRWC plantation approximately one hour southwest of Orlando. Cottonwood (Populus deltoides), eucalypts (Eucalyptus amplifolia and E. grandis), and other species were established, beginning in 2000, on a clay settling area formerly dominated by cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica). Additional information pertinent to this field trip is available at: http://www.treepower.org


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The congress will feature an excellent opportunity for organizations to display educational and informative materials to a broad range of international participants.

Exhibit/display space is limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Each display must be accompanied by a fully paid registration.

Display Space Fee is $350 and includes a 10' deep x 10' wide display area, a skirted 6’ table, two chairs, pipe and drape, a wastebasket, and an identification sign showing company name.

Exhibit Registration Deadline: 7 MAY

To register for a Display Space, click here to reserve exhibit space; a credit card will be needed. (via our Secured Server)

OR, click here to print a display-space reservation form, then return the form by fax or mail with payment to the Office of Conferences and Institutes. (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and print the PDF form file.) 

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Thanks to the support of various organizations, agencies and companies, a limited amount of financial aid may be available to selected individuals to help them attend the congress. Preference will be given to young scientists and researchers from developing countries. Assistance may include partial or full coverage of the following congress-related expenses: accommodation (shared), airfare, congress registration, or meals. Our funding situation is, however, still uncertain. We strongly recommend that individuals seeking travel support may also approach local and regional offices of foreign assistance agencies including: USAID (USA), GTZ (Germany), DfID (UK), JICA (Japan), SIDA (Sweden), NORAD (Norway), IDRC and CIDA (Canada), DANIDA (Denmark), Rockefeller Foundation, and Ford Foundation. Regional/Local offices of international agencies such as FAO, UNDP, other UN Agencies, and the World Bank (and Regional Development Banks such as Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, and Inter-American Development Bank) also are recommended. Although submission of an abstract (for a congress presentation) is not a requirement for funding assistance, applicants should state how their participation will benefit them and contribute to the success of the congress.

Financial assistance applications will be accepted until 30 September 2003 and are to be submitted electronically. Hard copies of the application may be considered only under exceptional circumstances such as having no access to electronic-submission facilities. Detailed instructions for the financial assistance application are provided below. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure that your submission is received and recorded.

Once again, all foreign nationals who wish to attend the congress and need a visa for entry into the USA are encouraged to start their visa application process as soon as possible.

Deadline for requesting Financial Assistance has passed.

Return to Index





Sunday, 27 June 04

 - If you registered for the pre-congress workshops you may
CLICK HERE for detailed workshop agendas.

(Pre-congress activities are not listed on the schedule)

Sunday, 27 June 04


Registration Open (open for duration of the congress)



Agroforestry Technology Transfer and Extension Working Group (refer to description)


    [Session Chair: Richard Jones]
    [Speaker Introduction: E. T. York]

Norman Borlaug: Agriculture and the Environment -- Bridging the Divide through Agroforestry

6:00pm-8:00pm Welcome Reception

Monday, 28 June 04


Plenary Session
    [Session Chair: Dennis P. Garrity]

M. S. Swaminathan: Enhancement of Environment and Landscape




Concurrent Symposia
Symposium I - Biodiversity
Symposium II - Ecological Basis of North American Agroforestry


Poster and Exhibit Display Room Open
- Boxed lunch provided


Concurrent Sessions
Session A1 - Tree Domestication I
Session A2 - AF Education
Session A3 - Eco-agriculture
Session A4 - Economic Analysis
Session A5 - Trees in Fragmented Landscapes
Session A6 - Biophysical Interactions




Concurrent Sessions
Session B1 - Tree Domestication II
Session B2 - AF, Carbon Sequestration, and Landscape Ecology in Western Europe
Session B3 - Poverty Alleviation and Sustainablility
Session B4 - Scaling up of AF Benefits
Session B5 - Tropical Homegardens




Formal Poster Session I & Exhibit Displays
   - [
Click Here for Poster Presenter's Information]


5:30pm-7:30pm Association for Temperate Agroforestry (AFTA)
refer to description)
5:30pm-7:30pm Conservation International Book Release
refer to description)
6:00pm-7:30pm U.S. 1890 University Agroforestry Consortium Meeting

Tuesday, 29 June 04


Plenary Session
    [Session Chair: Gregory Ruark]
J. Moseley: Policy, Social, Institutional Issues of Agroforestry




Concurrent Symposia
Symposium I - Trees and Markets
Symposium II - Carbon Sequestration


Poster and Exhibit Display Room Open
- Lunch on your own


Concurrent Sessions
Session C1 - Short-rotation Woody Crops, Phytoremediation
Session C2 - Carbon Sequestration and Environmental Benefits
Session C3 - Biodiversity
Session C4 - Mechanization in AF
Session C5 - Land Tenure and Gender Issues




Concurrent Sessions
Session D1 - Environmental Amelioration
Session D2 - AF in Semiarid Regions
Session D3 - Managing Genetic Diversity
Session D4 - Land Owners' Session
Session D5 - Policy & Institutions




Formal Poster Session II & Exhibit Displays

   - [Click Here for Poster Presenter's Information]


5:30pm-7:00pm Ecoagriculture Partners: Increasing Productivity, Wild Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes (refer to description)
5:30pm-7:30pm Discussion on Teaching Agroforestry
refer to description)
5:30pm-7:30pm Landcare- An Approach to Sustainable Land Use (refer to description)
6:00pm-7:00pm Tree database CD  [Contact: Tony Simmons]

Wednesday, 30 June 04


Plenary Session
    [Session Chair:
Bjorn Lundgren]
Hosney El-Lakany: Improvement of Rural Livelihoods




Concurrent Symposia
Symposium I - Water Issues
Symposium II - Food Security


Lunch on your own


1. Agroforestry in an Urbanizing Landscape
2. Non-Timber Forest Products and Public Land
3. Short-Rotation Woody Crops

Thursday, 01 July 04


Plenary Session
    [Session Chair: Gene Garrett]
P. K. Nair: Science and Education




Concurrent Symposia
Symposium I - Technology Transfer
Symposium II - Public/Private Partnership in AF Research & Development


Lunch on your own


Concurrent Sessions
Session E1 - AF Adoption I (Tropical)
Session E2 - AF and Food Security
Session E3 - Climate Change
Session E4 - Local AF Knowledge in Global Context
Session E5 - Tree and Component Management




Concurrent Sessions
Session F1 - AF Adoption II (Temperate)
Session F2 - AF for Health and Nutrition (AIDS/HIV)
Session F3 - Small Farm Soil Fertility Management Strategies
Session F4 - Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Session F5 - Decision Support Tools


SeaWorld Event

Friday, 02 July 04


Plenary Session
    [Session Chair:  Howard Shapiro]
Dennis P. Garrity: Agroforestry: The Next 25 Years





NOTE: Post-Congress Tour has been canceled

 Return to Index




Two concurrent workshops both focusing on temperate-zone agroforestry will be organized from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Sunday, 27 June 2004. The workshops will be held at the congress site, the Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, Florida. The Society of American Foresters will offer 2.5 hours of continuing forestry education credits (CFE). Interested individuals may register for one of the workshops at a nominal fee. Please refer to the congress registration form located under the registration section to enroll in a workshop. Early registration is recommended, as space is limited for both workshops and each will be closed upon filling.

Workshop A - Silvopastoral Practices: Design considerations, establishment, management challenges, and ecological and economic sustainability.

Workshop B - Decision Support Systems in Agroforestry: A hands-on training on “SEADSS,” the Southeastern Agroforestry Decision Support System, an online application developed at the Center for Subtropical Agroforestry, University of Florida, for tree and shrub selection and agroforestry decision making. 

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Pre-Congress Tour:
Midwestern Agroforestry Practice:
Research and On-Farm Demonstrations - Wednesday, 23 June – Friday, 25 June 2004. 

Pre-Congress Tour will be held -- Registration Deadline: 1 JUNE

The tour, sponsored by the University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry, the USDA National Agroforestry Center, and the Iowa State University Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management will leave from and return to Columbia, Missouri. The tour will follow an itinerary that showcases both research demonstrations and on-farm applications of temperate agroforestry practices including windbreaks, riparian forest buffers, forest farming, alley cropping, and silvopasture in Missouri and Iowa. The tour information, the coordinators contact information, registration form and secure online payment are available on the University of Missouri website location http://agebb.missouri.edu/umca/events/mototour.asp

Columbia is located in central Missouri and is approximately 100 miles (160 km) from the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. It is recommended that participants fly into that airport on 22 June 2004 and fly out of the airport on 26 or 27 June to Orlando. The tour itinerary and registration information will be available under “Upcoming Events” on the University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry website located at www.centerforagroforestry.org. The tour coordinator is Julie Rhoads, Center for Agroforestry, 203 ABNR Bldg., University of Missouri, Columbia, MO  65211, USA; Phone 1-573-882-3234; Fax 1-573-882-1977; RhoadsJ@missouri.edu

Post-Congress Tour: North Florida Agroforestry, Friday, 2 July - Sunday, 4 July 2004

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“SeaWorld” EXCURSION - Thursday, 1 July 2004

A special evening is planned at SeaWorld® Orlando for Thursday night, 01 July 2004, 5:30-11:00pm. SeaWorld is the world's premiere adventure park, with world-class shows, thrilling rides and unforgettable animal encounters. Upon group arrival by motor coach to SeaWorld, guests will have over two hours to experience and enjoy the park’s shows and exhibits. Toward the end of the evening, guests will meet to enjoy a late reception celebration with tropical hors d’oeuvres and entertainment before returning to the hotel. (The SeaWorld excursion is included with congress registration; accompanying persons may register separately for the event: see details under “Registration Information.”)

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If you require a visa to enter the United States, we urge you to begin the visa application process now to secure an approved travel visa. Visa application forms are available from the US Embassy in your country.

Congress Registration Fee 
The registration fee will entitle each registrant to receive a printed copy and CD-ROM of the abstract book, additional congress materials including a canvas tote bag, and full participation in the congress including Wednesday’s (30 June 2004) half-day field trip and Thursday’s (01 July 2004) SeaWorld excursion.

The registration fee also includes hors d’oeuvres and refreshments at the Sunday evening welcome reception, boxed lunch on Monday, and a morning coffee and an afternoon non-alcoholic beverage daily. All monetary figures are in US dollars.

Early Registration (By 31 December 2003)
Regular Participant US $450.00
Student Participant (Valid Student Identification Required)* US $225.00
Regular Registration (By 31 March 2004)
Regular Participant US $500.00
Student Participant (Valid Student Identification Required)* US $250.00
Late/On-site Registration (After 31 March 2004)
Regular Participant US $550.00
Student Participant (Valid Student Identification Required)* US $275.00

 *Student registration space is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.


Pre-congress Workshop Fee

The pre-congress registration fee will allow each registrant full participation to one workshop. Early registration is recommended, as there is limited availability for each workshop.


Early Registration (By 31 December 2003)
Pre-congress Workshop US $ 25.00
Regular Registration (By 31 March 2004)
Pre-congress Workshop US $ 35.00
Late/On-site Registration (After 31 March 2004)
Pre-congress Workshop US $ 45.00


Accompanying Persons
Accompanying persons who do not register for the full congress will be able to register for the Sunday Welcome Reception, and the Thursday evening event at SeaWorld separately or register for both events at a reduced cost. The evening event at SeaWorld includes transportation, free time in park, and an ending reception. Adult Registration for SeaWorld is considered ages 10 and above. Registration closes on 11 June 2004.


Early Registration (By 31 March 2004)
Sunday Welcome Reception US $ 50.00
Thursday Evening SeaWorld Excursion (Ages 10 and above) US $ 80.00
Reduced rate to register for both events (Sunday Reception and Thursday SeaWorld) US $120.00
Child Registration for Thursday evening SeaWorld (ages 3-9) US $ 60.00
Regular/Late Registration (After 31 March 2004 through 11 June 2004)
Sunday Welcome Reception US $ 60.00
Thursday Evening SeaWorld Excursion (Ages 10 and above) US $ 90.00
Reduced rate to register for both events (Sunday Reception and Thursday SeaWorld) US $140.00
Child Registration for Thursday evening SeaWorld (ages 3-9) US $ 70.00


For participants arriving with small children: The congress organizers appreciate the importance of Orlando tourist attractions, especially to young children, but regrettably cannot make any arrangements for children. Since the Wednesday half-day field trip is part of the congress participant registration, accompanying persons are not allowed to participate, unless registering for the entire congress.


We are delighted you wish to register for the World Congress of Agroforestry. While Advance Registration is closed, we will be happy to register you onsite at the meeting, and look forward to your participation. Thank you.

Registration Confirmation
: An email notice acknowledging your registration submission will be sent within three business days. Formal written confirmation and a hard copy of your receipt will be mailed to you within three weeks of receiving your completed registration form and appropriate payment.

Refund Policy: Requests for refunds will be honored if a written notification of cancellation is received at the congress secretariat (the Office of Conferences & Institutes, IFAS, University of Florida) by 07 May 2004. A processing fee of $ 50.00 will be deducted from all congress registration refunds. A $10.00 fee will be deducted from all workshop refunds. A $15.00 fee will be deducted from all accompanying persons registration refunds. No refunds will be honored for cancellations after 07 May 2004.

Special Needs: Special needs (such as visual, hearing or walking impairments) of registered participants can be reasonably accommodated if they contact the congress secretariat (the Office of Conferences & Institutes), no later than 10 June 2004. We can be reached by phone at 1-352-392-5930, by fax at 1-352-392-9734, by email at mrpadgett@ifas.ufl.edu. If calling from within the State of Florida, the office can be reached at 1-800-955-8771 (TDD). 

Return to Index



Registration Deadline for Special Congress Rate: 17 MAY


Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort®

1751 Hotel Plaza Blvd.

Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830, USA 

Telephone: 1-407-827-4000

Fax: 1-407-827-3890

The congress will be held at the Hilton. As an official Walt Disney World hotel, the Hilton is located approximately 18 miles (29 km) from Orlando International Airport. Ideal for incorporating a family vacation, the Hilton is within walking distance of Downtown Disney featuring the Downtown Disney Marketplace, Downtown Disney Pleasure Island, and Downtown Disney West Side. The Hilton also offers complimentary transportation to the four Disney World® theme parks: Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and MGM Studios.

(PDF format)

Congress Room Rate

Sleeping rooms have been set aside at the Hilton for congress attendees at a reduced congress rate. The rooms and reduced rate are limited so we encourage participants to begin travel preparations now and reserve accommodations as soon as possible. The special room rate is as follows:

One or two people in a room $125.00 per room per day plus state and local taxes, currently at 11.5%.
Three people in a room $135.00 per room per day
Four people in a room $145.00 per room per day

As this is a discounted group rate, it is non-commissionable to travel agents, and Frequent Traveler Points do not apply.

Optional Resort Fee: Hotel guests have the option of purchasing a $6.00 per room per day resort fee (plus sales tax, currently at 6.5%) upon check-in at the Hilton. The optional resort fee includes:

- Admission to the Health Club (currently $6.00 per day).

- Complimentary local and 800 number telephone calls up to a total of 60 minutes (currently $1.10 per minute).

- Late check-out up to 1:00pm. Subject to availability (currently $35.00).


U.S. Government Per Diem Rate: A very limited number of the sleeping rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis at the 2004 government per diem rate for U.S. Government congress attendees. To receive the special rate, U.S. government officials must present proper identification upon check-in and payment must be made in the form of a government issued check, credit card or purchase order.


All the above group rates will be honored from 24 June 2004 through 04 July 2004 (based upon availability).

Reservation Deadline and Deposit Guarantee


All hotel reservations must be made by Monday, 17 May 2004. After this date, the discounted group rate (which is considerably lower than the regular rate) will not be applicable even if rooms are available. Please be aware that the rooms will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and the block of guest rooms may fill before the deadline; therefore we urge you to make your reservation at your earliest convenience. To guarantee the reservation, the hotel will require a first night’s deposit, refundable up to five (5) days before your arrival date. All credit cards used to guarantee a reservation will be charged immediately for one night’s lodging.


How to Make a Reservation


Sleeping room reservations can be made in one of the following ways. Be certain to state that you are attending the 1st World Congress of Agroforestry (WCA) to receive the special reduced congress rates.

1) By telephone:

From the U.S. or Canada dial the toll-free telephone number: 1-800-782-4414.

Outside the U.S. and Canada please dial the hotel directly at 1-407-827-4000

2) By fax: Available on congress web site, complete and fax the hotel reservation form to 1-407-827-3890
3) By mail: Available on congress web site, complete and mail the hotel reservation form to address on the form.


Sharing a guest room with another participant?

In addition to the guest room registration form, specify to the hotel the following.

  1. The full names of all sharing the guest room. If a person is not listed on the room, they will not be allowed to check into the guest room upon arrival.

  2. How the deposit is to be paid and by whom. If the deposit is to be paid by more than one person, then the full information and payment arrangements need to be included in the communication. (NOTE: A deposit is required by the hotel in order to reserve a guest room.)

  3. How the remaining room charges are to be paid. The hotel will need method of payment for each person responsible for the charges. This information will be reiterated at check-in.

Send the shared guest room information to the Hilton contact:
   Vince Girolami, Meetings & Conventions Manager,
     Phone: 407-827-3808
     Fax: 407-560-2108
     Email: Vince_Girolami@hilton.com

Additional Hotel Information


Early Departure Fee

Be certain to advise the Hilton at or before check-in of any change in your planned length of stay to avoid an early checkout fee. The hotel will add an early checkout fee of $50.00 to your account if they are not notified in advance.


Individuals Participating in Pre- or Post-Congress Events

If you plan to participate in events prior to, or after the congress, be certain to incorporate them when finalizing travel plans and reserving sleeping accommodations. NOTE: Post-Congress Tour has been canceled.


Check-In/Check-Out Times

Check-in time is 3:00pm and check-out is by 11:00am. All guests arriving before 3:00pm will be accommodated as rooms become available. The Hilton bell desk can arrange to check baggage for those arriving early and for guests attending functions on their departure day.


Share-a-room Information

This service is to assist individuals in locating others interested in sharing accommodations for the congress. It is the individual's responsibility to make contact with other interested parties. Once a roommate has been located, you may request removal of your email contact.

CLICK HERE to view those wishing to share a hotel room.

Click here to submit your information for posting on the share a hotel room page (Email submissions will be posted within 5 working days).
  • This service will require that your name, gender, email address, affiliation, originating country and smoking preference be posted on a web page accessible to the public.
  • After locating a roommate, be sure to reserve your hotel room specifying two double beds as soon as possible. Double rooms tend to fill first and may not be available if you wait.

Click here to have your contact information removed from the list of those wishing to share a hotel room.


Return to Index



The Congress is being organized as a collaborative effort by a diverse group of institutions worldwide. Current sponsors are recognized below. If you are interested in becoming involved in this effort or providing financial assistance in support of the Congress, please contact P. K. Nair.

Current Sponsors


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P. K. Nair, University of Florida/IFAS, Gainesville, FL, USA


Dennis Garrity, World Agroforestry Centre/ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya

Gregory Ruark, USDA/FS, National Agroforestry Center, Lincoln, NE, USA

Howard-Yana Shapiro, Mars, Incorporated, Hackettstown, NJ, USA


Michael Bannister, University of Florida/ IFAS, Gainesville, FL, USA

Catalino Blanche, USDA-CSREES, Washington, DC, USA

Craig Elevitch, Permanent Agriculture Resources, Holualoa, HI, USA

Pedro Ferreira, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

H. E.“Gene” Garrett, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA

Andrew Gordon, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Russell Haines, RIRD Corp., Kingston, ACT, Australia

Reinhard Hüttl, Technical University of Cottbus, Cottbus, Germany

James Lassoie, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

Bjorn Lundgren, International Consultant, Stockholm, Sweden

Felipe Manteiga, IICA, Washington, DC, USA

Eric Rosenquist, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD, USA

Syaka Sadio, FAO of the United Nations, Rome, Italy

Panjab Singh, ICAR, New Delhi, India

Wayne Smith, University of Florida/IFAS, Gainesville, FL, USA

Neal Van Alfen, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA, USA

Hiroyuki Watanabe, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan


Janaki Alavalapati, Shibu Jose, Alan Long, Vimala Nair, Mandy Padgett, Sarah Workman


Dr. Shibu Jose, University of Florida/IFAS, Milton, FL, USA



Pre-Congress Field Tour Organizer

Mrs. Julie Rhoads, University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry, Columbia, MO, USA

Wednesday Field Trip Organizers

Dr. Alan Long, University of Florida/IFAS, Gainesville, FL, USA

Dr. Don Rockwood, University of Florida/IFAS, Gainesville, FL, USA

Dr. Sarah Workman and Dr. Michael Bannister, University of Florida/IFAS, Gainesville, FL, USA

Post-Congress Field Tour Organizer

Dr. Shibu Jose, University of Florida/ IFAS, Milton, FL, USA

NOTE: Post-Congress Tour has been canceled.


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Silvopastoralism And Sustainable
International Congress

World Association of Soil
& Water Conservation

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Travel Methods

Information for
Foreign Travelers
to the United States

By Plane

Orlando International Airport

By Rental Car

Avis is offering special rental 
rates to Congress 
attendees. Click here to 
make reservations

By Taxi Service

Click here for Coupon for $4 off
regular round-trip price of $29.
(Print coupon and present to
Mears Counter Attendant)

By Train

Amtrak Logo

Click here to take the train to reach Orlando, from other cities in Florida and around the country
for a very low cost.

By Bus 


Click here to take the greyhound bus to and from Orlando from your arrival destination/airport for a price of $50-$150


Driving Directions

Click here to find driving directions to Orlando, FL from any address/destination in the USA by simply typing in the starting address and then the end destination address; very user friendly.

Map of Florida

Click here for a map of the state of Florida.


Mileage Chart

Click here for a chart that lists the mileage/distance
 from city to city in Florida.

Florida Visitor Tools

Currency Converter

Click here for a simple to use currency converter.

Orlando Weather

NWS logo


Click here to see a detailed 7-day weather forecast for Orlando, FL.


Click here to explore Florida attractions, theme parks, and history by city.


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Orlando Information

For advance purchase of specially-priced
PARK HOPPER(r) Meeting/Convention
Theme Park tickets, CLICK HERE

Other Cities to Visit While in Florida

Florida Interactive maps – Click here

Clearwater, FL Click here to find information and links for the city of Clearwater. Daytona Beach, FL – Click here to find information and links for the Daytona Beach area – Big Beach, Big Fun!
Fort Lauderdale, FL Click here to find maps and information on the beaches, attractions, restaurants, and nightlife in sunny Ft. Lauderdale.

The Florida Everglades, Miami, FL Click here to find information on how to reach the Florida Everglades, where to stay and eat, transportation, and weather in the south Florida area.

St. Augustine, FL Click here to find information and links to Florida’s oldest city and the best it has to offer. Panama City Beach, FL Click here to find information about “the world’s most beautiful beaches” on over 27 miles of white sand.

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Technical Program and Sponsorship
Dr. P. K. Nair, Distinguished Professor
Director, Center for Subtropical Agroforestry
SFRC, University of Florida/IFAS
PO Box 110410 Gainesville, FL 32611-0410, USA
Tel: 1-352-846-0880 • FAX: 1-352-846-1277
E-mail: pknair@ufl.edu
Web Site:
Congress Logistics
Ms. Mandy Padgett Stage, Congress Coordinator
Office of Conferences & Institutes
University of Florida/IFAS
PO Box 110750, Gainesville, FL 32611-0750
Tel: 1-352-392-5930 • FAX: 1-352-392-9734
E-mail: mrpadgett@ifas.ufl.edu

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