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James Duggan
AALL President
Catherine Lemann

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

AALL Election Results

This year we received 1,487 ballots (30% of total dues paying members).

Ruth Hill, AALL secretary, has just notified all the candidates running for office, so I am now pleased to announce the results of the AALL election for 2009.

Vice President/President-Elect:
(July 2009 - July 2010)
Joyce Manna Janto
Executive Board:
(July 2009 - July 2012)
Marcus L. Hochstetler
Janet McKinney

Congratulations to our successful candidates and a big thank you to all who agreed to run for office. It is this commitment and dedication that makes the profession of law librarianship, and especially AALL, a strong and vibrant community.

Survey Results

Of those who cast ballots, 48% chose to respond to our survey. Here are the results:

Type of library where currently employed:

Corporate 12 (1.70%)
Court 62 (8.81%)
Government 62 (8.81%)
Independent 7 (1.00%)
Law Firm 222 (31.53%)
Law School 313 (44.46%)
Other 26 (3.69%)

Years an AALL member:

Zero to Five 104
Six to Ten 111
Eleven to Fifteen 109
Sixteen or more 381


Catherine Lemann

   © 2009 American Association of Law Libraries