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Professional Development / Education

Please forward information of Professional Development Programs or Educational Programs of national or large-scale regional interest related to agroforestry to afta [at] aftaweb.org.  This site is not to be used for local programs.

NOTE: The programs below were provided by the offerer and are posted here as a public service. For more information, contact the program directly. AFTA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this information.

STUDY ABROAD VIRGIN ISLANDS, an interdisciplinary course, FORS (ANTH, CRSS, ECOL) 4760 (3hrs) Agroforestry in the Caribbean
Maymester term, 16 through 30 May 2007, offered through the University of Georgia.

With assistance from the University of the Virgin Islands, other local institutions and staff of the Virgin Islands Sustainable Farm Institute (VISFI) the course will take place o­n over o­ne hundred acres of rolling green hills, the VISFI campus, nestled in the northwest corner of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands. The VISFI philosophy is founded o­n organic agriculture and practical educational experience, the first steps they believe toward building vital communities and achieving long term sustainability within a healthy environment. The course focuses o­n understanding agricultural practices that join productivity with resource conservation and incorporation of perennial species to manage farming systems and to achieve sustainability for farming communities in the Caribbean and other subtropical or tropical areas.  See www.uga.edu/ecocarib for more information and application details.

See http://www.uga.edu/oie/savirginislands.htm about information for non-University System of Georgia students (summer transient).

Students must complete an application by 15 March.

It’s a great course at a great price!  Come participate, have fun and learn about Agroforestry in the Caribbean.

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Association for Temperate Agroforestry