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Positions Available Related to Temperate Agroforestry

Please send announcements of temporary, part- or full-time positions related to agroforestry in the US and Canada to afta_editor[at]aftaweb.org for posting here.

NOTE: The job listings below were provided by the employer offering the job and are posted here as a public service. For more information, contact the employer directly. AFTA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this information.

Director, Centre for Non Timber Resources
Royal Roads University

The Centre for Non-Timber Resources (CNTR) was established at Royal Roads in 2004 to support and encourage wise use of non-timber forest resources in order to diversify and sustain rural and resource-dependent economies.

The Director, who holds a faculty appointment, reports to the Associate Vice-President, Research, and is responsible for providing strategic direction and overall management to CNTR. Key roles of the position include development and implementation of the centre’s research and extension agenda within the RRU research plan in collaboration with a wide variety of external partner organizations, leading multi-disciplinary, multi-agency research projects, and building opportunities for research engagement of faculty and learners. Other key responsibilities include securing resources to fund the research/extension agenda, creating and supporting academic and professional curriculum, supervising a multi-disciplinary academic and professional team, developing provincial, national and international partner networks, and articulating and communicating the purpose and activities of CNTR and the importance of non-timber resources in forest management and rural development in both the developed and developing worlds.

To be well suited for this role you will possess the following qualifications:

  • PhD degree in a relevant discipline is essential, and at least 5 years of senior experience in management of an academic research centre, or research-based public-sector, non-governmental or private sector organization;
  • Demonstrated excellence in developing, resourcing and managing complex, inter-agency, multi-disciplinary research projects in relevant fields which may include, but are not limited to, resource management, rural development, entrepreneurship, international development, public policy, political science, geography, or economics;
  • Strong track record in knowledge transfer, including both conventional academic publications, and professional and public education and extension activities;
  • Demonstrated excellence in building networks of both internal and external interests and stakeholders, including organizations in the public sector, First Nations, non-governmental organizations and the private sector;
  • Teaching and supervisory experience at the graduate level;
  • Excellent decision-making skills and problem-solving abilities;
  • Exceptional communication (oral and written) and interpersonal skills
  • Comfortable working in a team-based, collaborative environment
  • Experience in developing and managing research and administrative budgets
  • Superior human resource skills
  • Advocacy skills
  • Broad understanding of the field of non-timber resources from the perspectives of sustainable forest management, social equity, and economic development.
In addition to a collegial learning community, RRU offers a comprehensive compensation package to core faculty, with a starting salary and academic rank based o­n qualifications and experience. This is an initial five year appointment with the possibility of it becoming a continuing appointment, subject to performance and program needs.

Review of interest received will commence o­n March 31, 2007, however, the competition will remain open until a successful candidate is found.  To apply please forward your cover letter and curriculum vitae (preferably in electronic format) to:

Email:  rru-career-opportunities@royalroads.ca
Competition #07-011
Human Resources - Career Opportunities
Royal Roads University
2005 Sooke Road
Victoria, BC   V9B 5Y2
Fax:  (250) 391-2570    Tel:  (250) 391-2511

While Royal Roads University values all applications we receive, o­nly those candidates short-listed for further consideration will be contacted. If you are sending your application via e-mail, please ensure that your electronic file is saved in MS Word, Adobe, or text format.

RRU is an equal opportunity employer, committed to the principle of equity in employment.  Preference is given to Canadian citizens and applicants with Landed Immigrant status. 

Please note that two of our heritage buildings, including Hatley Castle, have some areas that are not easily accessible to persons who use wheelchairs. Please call 391-2511 for information and assistance if you are dropping off your application in person.

Great Lakes Agroforestry

Availability:  o­ngoing until up to four positions are filled.
Location:  Northwest Lower Michigan, Antrim/Charlevoix County, Grand Traverse region. Rolling forested hills with abundant lakes and streams and pristine subsurface water. Small farms and orchards with strong tourist and resort industry. Large public and private forests are included in the greater research area. Commercial quality plant propagation facilities are available.
Opportunity:  Agroforestry research and development center is accepting application for long-term leaseholds. Purpose of these holdings is to establish bases of operation for individuals and families seeking meaningful close connection with sustainable natural resource and community development interests.
Unit Managers will initiate new research projects as well as manage and develop existing activites. Current emphasis is focused in maximizing returns from demonstrably sustainable resource uses. An example is the continued development of managed gourmet mushroom production from active agroforestry operations. Another is value added research o­n plantation pine management and value-added utilization of cabin logs and smaller roundwood. Also low input food and energy production projects utilizing o­ne or more agforestry techniques.
This is a cooperative enterprise zone, and unit managers are invited as enterprise partners. Private holdings for unit managers will include access to community gardens and forestry resources, and possible participation in community enterprises such as permacultural/agroforestry design services, private forest management, mushroom production, organic garden production, plant propagation, community education, and building services using indigenous materials. Free building materials are available to managers seeking long-term base camp accomodations.
Homeschool families are especially welcomed and encouraged. Retired teachers, researchers, and those with the deep gardening impulse will find support for in-depth exploration of agroforestry and sustainable culture issues, especially food, water, shelter and livelihood. A stimulating environment for independent growth in students of all ages. Room and fellowship opportunity for personal growth in a natural environment.
Qualifications: Research and academic backgrounds welcomed, but not necessary. Practical development skills and strong native curiosities are welcomed and supported.
Multiple village/hamlet development design in progress.
For more information contact: vinekeeper@forestfarm.org

Part-Time Volunteer Jobs with AFTA

AFTA is seeking individuals and/or institutional partners in the US and Canada to fill the following positions. For more information or to apply, please contact Miles Merwin, Editor, editor@aftaweb.org.

Membership Services Manager

A. Responsibility: Work to recruit new members, retain current members and communicate with current and prospective members

B. Duties:
1. Write or update content in Join / Donate section of website
2. Write or update brochures and flyers to solicit members
3. Maintain mailing lists (email and postal) of organizations and individuals for member solicitation, including past members
4. Send brochures and email solicitations to organizations & individuals
5. Devise special promotions (rewards) for new and renewing members
6. Follow-up annual member renewal process to contact late / non-renewers
7. Create or update poster display to be used for non-AFTA meetings and conferences
8. Communicate with members individually and jointly as needed
9. Respond to info requests from the public as needed
10. Report to Board o­n a regular basis

C. Staffing: part-time volunteer(s)

Development Officer

A. Responsibility: Help raise money for AFTA through grants, events and direct appeals

B. Duties:
1. Advise Board in setting of funding goals and objectives; get input from Board o­n potential funding sources and contacts
2. Report to Board o­n a regular basis
3. Develop annual fundraising calendar and monitor funding opportunities
4. Write Annual (or Biennial) Report in coordination with Board & officers
5. Annual Fund: write Annual Fund solicitation; develop giving levels; mail / email to members; monitor results and maintain donor list
6. Events: plan and coordinate events, e.g. raffle, silent auction at AFTA Annual Meeting and NAAC; find local helpers; solicit item donations from organaizations and individuals; arrange venue; supervise set-up, bid tallying, payment / pick-up, and clean-up; develop ideas for other events
7. Grants: maintain list of government, foundation and corporate funding sources; get application guidelines & deadlines from donors; work with Board members and others o­n project ideas, proposal writing and submission; communicate as needed with donors; follow-up o­n submitted proposals; for funded projects, provide donors with reporting & evaluation as required under terms of grant

C. Staffing: part-time volunteer(s)

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Association for Temperate Agroforestry