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Please let us know of upcoming meetings, conferences, seminars, field days in the US or Canada that are related directly or indirectly to agroforestry so we can include them here. Please send an email to afta_editor [at] aftaweb.org, including links to the conference website if known.

10th North American Agroforestry Conference
June 10-13, 2007, Université Laval, in the City of Québec, Canada
The objective of the conference is to stimulate the adoption of agroforestry practices for the sustainable development of rural land from a multifunctional perspective. It will include two days of talks (Monday, June 11, and Tuesday, June 12), a scientific poster session and a field-excursion day in La Pocatière, Québec o­n June 13. Other pre- or post-conference field trips are also planned. Various social events such as a welcome cocktail, a banquet and an outdoor dinner in La Pocatière are scheduled.

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Association for Temperate Agroforestry