Bill Status Widget

Use this page to make a widget for your web-page or blog that will display the status of a bill on OpenCongress. First, select the bill that you want to track by entering it into the text field or selecting a popular bill from the drop-down menu. If you're not sure the number of the bill you would like to track, there are a number of ways to find it here on OpenCongress: by going to the Bills page and using the options in the "sort by" drop-down box at the top of the page, or by searching for it. Next, use the form below to custom-tailor your widget to match your web-page. Then, copy and paste the HTML chunk into your web-page. It's an easy way for you and your community to track the bills in Congress that affect the issues you care about. For an example of how it looks, please see our sample.

(ie, for "H.R.6", enter "6")

Or, enter the six-digit hex code:

Or, enter the six-digit hex code:

Or, enter the six-digit hex code:
How the panel will look:
Copy and paste this code into your webpage:

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