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Rep. David Obey Add to


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Term Start Term End Role    State  Party 
2009 2010 Representative WI Democrat
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Recent Voting History

The votes below were taken by roll call, a voting procedure that records a vote from every Senator or Representative on the bill under consideration. This Member of Congress may have voted on other bills by the process known as "voice vote", but these votes are not recorded.
H.R.384 TARP Reform and Accountability Act
On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 6 to H R 384
Aye (with party)
January 15, 2009
H.R.384 TARP Reform and Accountability Act
On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 5 to H R 384
Nay (with party)
January 15, 2009
H.R.384 TARP Reform and Accountability Act
On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 3 to H R 384
Nay (with party)
January 15, 2009

Voting Trends Analysis

The information below is an initial analysis of voting trends for this Member of Congress, calculated by cross-referencing all of this member's votes from the 110th Congress (Jan. 2007 - Dec. 2008). The results are intended to offer some helpful context for the place that this Member of Congress occupies in the Congressional landscape. In the next steps of site development, OpenCongress will incorporate more detailed analyses of voting trends to give you a comprehensive snapshot of every Member of Congress.

Users tracking David Obey (15) are also tracking:

People Bills Issues
  • S.2433 Global Poverty Act of 2007 [2]
  • H.R.384 TARP Reform and Accountability Act of 200... [2]
  • H.R.11 Paycheck Fairness Act [2]
  • H.R.12 Paycheck Fairness Act [2]
  • H.R.5749 Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensat... [2]

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David Obey in the News feed

January 13, 2009 Stimulus slots more cash for schools

But the chief increase for higher education would be through Pell Grants, a major priority for House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis. ...

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Source: Montana's News Station, MT

January 13, 2009 Petition targets congressional vote on tax dollars, abortion

The House Appropriations Committee, chaired by 20-term Congressman David Obey (D-Wisconsin), will play a key role in deciding the fate of 20 laws, ...

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Source: OneNewsNow, MS

January 13, 2009 U.S. Rep. Wexler asks for $2.75 billion in grants for social service programs

...abuse prevention, help for the elderly, child care and utility assistance. In a letter to House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.), Wexler said that organizations helping the poor face a crisis of rapidly declining donations, along with cuts fr

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Source: Palm Beach Post

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David Obey in the Blogs feed

January 12, 2009 Idle Wordship: It's all over now Baby Bush

... dallas cowboys (1); Dana Rohrabacher (1); david obey. john conyers (1); deaths (1); debate (2); debt (1); decriminalization (1); democrats (4); denzel washingon (1); department of interior (1); dick cheney (3); dirty harry (1) ...

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Source: Idle Wordship

January 12, 2009 Congress Matters :: State of the Nation

Kirstin Brost, spokeswoman for Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.), acknowledged that Obey has been meeting with Members to hear their concerns, but she said Obey is maintaining a strict no-earmark policy that will prevent ...

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Source: Congress Matters

January 12, 2009 Welcome Back to Pottersville: The Clinton Index

"Reaching across the aisle" has given us foul, corrupt, self-centered ogres such as Max Baucus, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Lieberman. To exasperated liberals, "reaching across the aisle" is a ...

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Source: Welcome Back to Pottersville

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Campaign Contributions

The data below comes from, the website of the non-profit, non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, a group that tracks money in politics. You can create a "My OpenCongress" account to track this Member easily on your profile and share this info with friends.
Select Election Cycle:
Top Funding Industry: Labor
Top Contributor: Farallon Capital Management ($16,800)
IndustryDonation% of total
Labor $254,500 17.9 %
Lawyers & Lobbyists $215,261 15.2 %
Health $175,800 12.4 %
Misc Business $134,000 9.4 %
Finance/Insur/RealEst $129,406 9.1 %
Energy/Nat Resource $87,300 6.1 %
Defense $85,200 6.0 %
Ideology/Single-Issue $81,910 5.8 %
Other $68,450 4.8 %
Agribusiness $52,750 3.7 %
Construction $48,700 3.4 %
Communic/Electronics $44,200 3.1 %
Transportation $43,296 3.0 %

See more campaign contribution data by visiting David Obey's profile on OpenSecrets

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