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Term Start Term End Role    State  Party 
2007 2008 Representative OH Republican
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Sponsored Bill Statistics

Recent Voting History

The votes below were taken by roll call, a voting procedure that records a vote from every Senator or Representative on the bill under consideration. This Member of Congress may have voted on other bills by the process known as "voice vote", but these votes are not recorded.
H.R.7321 Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act
On Passage: H R 7321 Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act
Nay (with party)
December 10, 2008
H.R.7321 Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act
On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 1 to H R 7321
Aye (with party)
December 10, 2008
On Agreeing to the Resolution: H RES 1534 Providing for consideration of H.R. 7321, to authorize financial assistance to eligible automobile manufacturers, and for other purposes Nay (with party)
December 10, 2008

Voting Trends Analysis

The information below is an initial analysis of voting trends for this Member of Congress, calculated by cross-referencing all of this member's votes from the 110th Congress (Jan. 2007 - Dec. 2008). The results are intended to offer some helpful context for the place that this Member of Congress occupies in the Congressional landscape. In the next steps of site development, OpenCongress will incorporate more detailed analyses of voting trends to give you a comprehensive snapshot of every Member of Congress.

Users tracking Steven Chabot (14) are also tracking:

People Bills Issues
  • H.R.2522 Congressional Commission on the Abolition... [1]
  • H.R.2128 Sunshine in the Courtroom Act of 2007 [1]
  • H.R.1338 Paycheck Fairness Act [1]
  • H.R.101 Federal Election Integrity Act of 2007 [1]
  • H.R.2694 Motor Vehicle Owners Right to Repair Act ... [1]

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Steven Chabot in the News feed

November 05, 2008 Ohio Democrats Win Two Congressional Seats

... district long held by republican Ralph Regula, and Democrat Steven Dreihaus nabbed the first district’s seat from Republican incumbent Steven Chabot. ...

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Source: 90.3 WCPN ideastream®, Ohio

October 04, 2008 Congress members request change to annual guidance

A Central News Agency report said eight members of the Taiwan Caucus, including Representative Shelley Berkeley of Nevada and Steven Chabot from Ohio, ...

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Source: Taipei Times, Taiwan

April 23, 2008 Delhi fireman honored with flag

US Rep. Steven Chabot, (R-1st District), came to the Neeb Road fire station to give Baker a flag flown over the US Capitol in his honor. ...

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Source: Community Press & Recorder, KY

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Steven Chabot in the Blogs feed

December 11, 2008 OpenCongress - House Roll Call #689 Details

Rep. Christopher Carney [D, PA-10], Aye. Rep. André Carson [D, IN-7], Aye. Rep. John Carter [R, TX-31], Aye. Rep. Michael Castle [R, DE-0], Aye. Rep. Kathy Castor [D, FL-11], Aye. Rep. Donald Cazayoux [D, LA-6], Aye. Rep. Steven Chabot ...

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Source: Open Congress : Rep. Kendrick Meek [D, FL-17]

December 11, 2008 OpenCongress - U.S. Congress - H.R.7321 Auto Industry Financing ...

Rep. Michael Burgess [R, TX-26] · Rep. Dan Burton [R, IN-5] · Rep. Ken Calvert [R, CA-44] · Rep. Christopher Cannon [R, UT-3] · Rep. Eric Cantor [R, VA-7] · Rep. John Carter [R, TX-31] · Rep. Steven Chabot [R, OH-1

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Source: Open Congress : Major Bill Actions in Taxation

December 11, 2008 OpenCongress - House Roll Call #690 Details

Rep. Christopher Carney [D, PA-10], Aye. Rep. André Carson [D, IN-7], Aye. Rep. John Carter [R, TX-31], Nay. Rep. Michael Castle [R, DE-0], Aye. Rep. Kathy Castor [D, FL-11], Aye. Rep. Donald Cazayoux [D, LA-6], Aye. Rep. Steven Chabot ...

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Source: Open Congress : Rep. Kendrick Meek [D, FL-17]

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Campaign Contributions

The data below comes from, the website of the non-profit, non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, a group that tracks money in politics. You can create a "My OpenCongress" account to track this Member easily on your profile and share this info with friends.
Select Election Cycle:
Top Funding Industry: Ideology/Single-Issue
Top Contributor: American Financial Group ($26,800)
IndustryDonation% of total
Ideology/Single-Issue $381,543 22.2 %
Finance/Insur/RealEst $333,482 19.4 %
Misc Business $272,350 15.8 %
Other $142,250 8.3 %
Lawyers & Lobbyists $137,650 8.0 %
Construction $90,085 5.2 %
Communic/Electronics $89,562 5.2 %
Agribusiness $87,050 5.1 %
Health $86,800 5.0 %
Transportation $58,900 3.4 %
Energy/Nat Resource $34,850 2.0 %
Defense $5,000 0.3 %
Labor $3,000 0.2 %

See more campaign contribution data by visiting Steven Chabot's profile on OpenSecrets

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