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Rep. Gary Ackerman Add to


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2009 2010 Representative NY Democrat
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Recent Voting History

The votes below were taken by roll call, a voting procedure that records a vote from every Senator or Representative on the bill under consideration. This Member of Congress may have voted on other bills by the process known as "voice vote", but these votes are not recorded.
H.R.384 TARP Reform and Accountability Act
On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 6 to H R 384
Aye (with party)
January 15, 2009
H.R.384 TARP Reform and Accountability Act
On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 5 to H R 384
Nay (with party)
January 15, 2009
H.R.384 TARP Reform and Accountability Act
On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 3 to H R 384
Nay (with party)
January 15, 2009

Voting Trends Analysis

The information below is an initial analysis of voting trends for this Member of Congress, calculated by cross-referencing all of this member's votes from the 110th Congress (Jan. 2007 - Dec. 2008). The results are intended to offer some helpful context for the place that this Member of Congress occupies in the Congressional landscape. In the next steps of site development, OpenCongress will incorporate more detailed analyses of voting trends to give you a comprehensive snapshot of every Member of Congress.

Users tracking Gary Ackerman (7) are also tracking:

People Bills Issues
  • H.R.1157 Breast Cancer and Environmental Research ... [1]
  • H.R.3585 Native American Heritage Day Act of 2007 [1]
  • H.R.3425 Cancer Screening Coverage Act of 2007 [1]
  • H.R.1108 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Con... [1]
  • H.R.3537 Taxpayers' Cancer Research Funding Act of... [1]

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Gary Ackerman in the News feed

January 13, 2009 Ackerman Dodges Hamas Rockets In Israel

By Brian M. Rafferty “All of a sudden somebody yells that there are incoming missiles, maybe headed our way,” US Rep Gary Ackerman (D-Bayside) said of his ...

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Source: Queens Tribune, NY

January 12, 2009 LI rally supports Israel's military campaign in Gaza

In his comments from a snow-covered gazebo, Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Roslyn Heights) chided world opinion for, he said, not supporting Israel's right to ...

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Source: Newsday, NY

January 11, 2009 LETTERS

I was amazed but not surprised by the attitude expressed by Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Roslyn Heights) in his feeble attempt to defend and justify the pay raise ...

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Source: Newsday, NY

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Gary Ackerman in the Blogs feed

January 12, 2009 at-Largely: Gaza's Eyes to Cry With

And maybe creatures like Representative Gary Ackerman (D-NV) ought to get their ducks in a line before they call criticism of Israel "anti-Semitism." Nothing but Their Eyes to Cry With. The purpose of strategy in war is to focus the ...

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Source: At-Largely

January 11, 2009 Proxy Partisans: Gary Ackerman's bill

On Thursday, Rep. Gary Ackerman introduced into the House of Representatives a bill (HR 302) that would require the SEC to reinstate the uptick rule. This bears watching. I don't think the Obama administration will give it high priority ...

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Source: Proxy Partisans

January 11, 2009 John Stossel talks about Obama's plan and Caroline Kennedy | Kevin ...

New York Democratic Rep. Gary Ackerman agrees: “She has name recognition, but so does J Lo”. Zillions of people may rant that Caroline Kennedy lacks what it takes to be a senator, but I think she’s qualified. ...

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Source: Kevin Colby: Libertarian Political News...

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Campaign Contributions

The data below comes from, the website of the non-profit, non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, a group that tracks money in politics. You can create a "My OpenCongress" account to track this Member easily on your profile and share this info with friends.
Select Election Cycle:
Top Funding Industry: Finance/Insur/RealEst
Top Contributor: National Air Traffic Controllers Assn ($15,000)
IndustryDonation% of total
Finance/Insur/RealEst $312,262 36.0 %
Labor $116,500 13.4 %
Lawyers & Lobbyists $80,300 9.3 %
Other $73,100 8.4 %
Misc Business $51,100 5.9 %
Health $50,400 5.8 %
Ideology/Single-Issue $49,110 5.7 %
Communic/Electronics $43,800 5.1 %
Construction $31,950 3.7 %
Defense $20,300 2.3 %
Agribusiness $20,250 2.3 %
Transportation $10,800 1.2 %
Energy/Nat Resource $7,250 0.8 %

See more campaign contribution data by visiting Gary Ackerman's profile on OpenSecrets

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