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We recognize the vital role that publishers play in supporting the scientists, health care providers and policymakers working to advance knowledge, eradicate disease and solve major global problems. 

Elsevier helps to ensure that even those countries with the least resources have the opportunity to build their scientific capabilities, contribute to global scientific knowledge and have the capacity to use science to solve real world problems.

A Renewed Commitment to 2015

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On July 10th 2007, the WHO, FAO, UNEP, Yale, Cornell, Elsevier and more than 100 STM publishing partners formally extended their commitment to the HINARI, OARE and AGORA initiatives through 2015. These programs ensure that scientists, policymakers, and librarians at thousands of institutions in the developing world have access to online peer-reviewed research at no or very low cost. Together with technology partner, Microsoft, the coalition strives to reach 6 of the UN’s 8 internationally agreed External link  Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

HINARI Access to Research Initiative

Elsevier is one of the founding health publishers of External link  HINARI Access to Research Initiative, a UN-based initiative providing online access since 2001 to the major journals of the biomedical and social science fields, without charge, to public institutions in developing countries.

  • Elsevier is the largest contributor and provides over 1,300 journal titles.
  • In 2007, 1.2 million downloads from Elsevier journals, representing 35% of the over 4 million total HINARI downloads.
  • HINARI represents the 8th largest consortium in ScienceDirect.


Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture

Inspired by HINARI, the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization established External link  AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture) in 2003 – providing access to high quality information in agriculture and related fields.

  • 1600 institutions, 40 publishers and 1275 core journals involved. Of these journals, 30% are from Elsevier.
  • From 2006 to 2007, full-text downloads increased by 52%, logging between 15,000 and 20,000 per month on ScienceDirect.


Online Access to Research in the Environment

Through External linkOARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment), a new global partnership was launched in October 2006. Managed by UNEP and Yale University in association with the International Association of Science, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM), 35 leading science and technology publishers and 100 of the world’s most prestigious scientific societies, associations, and foundations.

  • Provides access to 1100 institutions in 108 countries to over 2,000 peer-reviewed journals in the environmental sciences from 50 publishers.
  • 1,175 Elsevier journals are accessible via the program.
  • Downloads from Elsevier journals totaled 58,656 in 2007.


Elsevier MLA Grant

The Elsevier Foundation

In 2007, an Elsevier grant of $80,000 and in 2008, an additional External link  Elsevier Foundation grant of $30,000 enabled the Medical Library Association’s new Librarians Without Borders program to sponsor Lenny Rhine, University of Florida Librarian Emeritus, to stage eight onsite workshops and one distance learning course. Read the External link  June/July 2007 Research Information feature for more information.

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theorethical Physics (ICTP)

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Through the ICTP pioneering External link  e-Journals Delivery Service (eJDS), scientists in developing countries receive free access to Elsevier journals in physics, mathematics and computer science.

Book Aid International and Sabre Foundation

Book Aid

Through partnerships with External link  Book Aid International and the External link  Sabre Foundation, Elsevier sponsors library growth in developing countries by donating surplus stock and creating additional donation-sponsorship programs.

Social Science Library

The Social Sciences Library at Tufts

Founded in 2007, Tufts University’s Global Development and Environment Institute is creating the External link  Social Science Library: Frontier Thinking in Sustainable Development and Human Well-Being (SSL). This new Celectronic scholarly resource will contain over 4,000 carefully selected and organized journal articles and book chapters distributed free of charge to 5,000 university libraries in 137 developing countries. Elsevier is one of 341 publishers contributing 99 journals to the CD-ROM.


The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library

In 1998, Elsevier was one of the early participants in External link  TEEAL, The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library – a dedicated CD-ROM library with 140 top scientific journals in the field of agriculture.

Iraqi Virtual Science Library

The Iraqi Virtual Science Library

A portal to thousands of scientific journals from publishers including Elsevier, the External link  IVSL also provides online educational materials. Participating publishers offer deeply discounted license fees to make access possible to Iraqi Universities and science institutions.

International Council of Nurses Mobile Library

International Council of Nurses Mobile Library

Through External link  ICN/MSD (Merck Sharp & Dohme) mobile library, Elsevier delivers up-to-date health information to nursing professionals working in remote areas of developing countries.



Providing patients and their caregivers with online access to up-to-date, reliable research for specific diseases,  External link  PatientINFORM is a collaboration between the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, scholarly and medical publishers, including Elsevier, medical societies, and information professionals.

Past Initiatives

A Book in Your Name

A Book in Your Name: Helping Libraries in Developing Countries.

Questions about information philanthropy?  Contact Elsevier Corporate Relations.

2007 CSR Report
External link  2007 CSR Report
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