integrated pest management
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All videos were prepared using the Quicktime multimedia format. On the first page for each topic (below), there is a link to a true rtsp streaming version of the video, plus a link to a second page with multiple "quickstart" downloadable files. In addition, the IPM OnLine project is conducting a pilot study of the effectiveness of using very high quality Quicktime files on the user's local CD-ROM drive.



A Day in the Life of Field Entomologists


Western Corn Rootworm Damage Ratings


Wireworm Bait Stations


Japanese Beetles


Scouting for Western Corn Rootworms


Nitrogen Leakage and the Hypoxia Zone


Soybean Aphids Found in Midwest

If you are interested in obtaining a free, sample copy of the IPM OnLine Companion CD and participating in our pilot study, just submit your request to

You must have the Quicktime Player v 4.1.2 installed to view any of these videos. Click the icon below to download the free Quicktime software from Apple computer (for both pc's and macs).

  • A Day in the Life of Field Entomologists
  • Western Corn Rootworm Damage Ratings
  • Wireworm Bait Stations
  • Japanese Beetles
  • Scouting for Western Corn Rootworms
  • Nitrogen Leakage and the Hypoxia Zone
  • Soybean Aphids Found in Midwest


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    Copyright © 2004
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign