Minnesota Department of Agriculture logo MDA header picture collage
Agricultural Development Section
Agricultural Development & Financial Assistance Division
Agricultural Resources Management and Development Division image

Assisting producers with resource management and protection; applied on-farm research and demonstrations; the development or transfer of information and technology; and pest management and diversification.


Peter Scheffert, Director
Mary Hanks, Ph.D., Supervisor
Bob Patton, Interim Supervisor

Staff Directory

To support the development of an agriculture that is profitable and environmentally sound.

We carry out our mission by:

  • Conducting outreach on resource issues and developing information for producers and stakeholders;
  • Organizing research and development partnerships among producers, researchers and others;
  • Sponsoring on-farm demonstrations or pilot projects to evaluate or transfer technology; and
  • Assisting with pest management, organic production and certification, land use planning, and financial assistance.
Program Information:

Resource Policy and Planning

Producer Environmental Outreach

The activity identifies and assesses agricultural non-point source pollution issues; facilitates producer input into state, local and federal programs; assesses technology and information needs of producers; coordinates activities with other agencies and groups; and helps link producer needs with programs and resources. Learn about Conservation Drainage and see the Drainage Outlet to gain access to the world's online drainage resources. Contact Bob.Patton@state.mn.us and Mark.Dittrich@state.mn.us for more information.

Agricultural Land Use Technical Assistance

The activity provides local government officials with practical assistance on land use issues relating to agriculture. Issues include: preserving agricultural land resources; minimizing conflicts between new rural residents and the farming community; assisting farmers and local governments site animal agriculture facilities; identifying the financial costs of rural sprawl; and promoting agricultural land preservation. Contact Becky.Balk@state.mn.us and Bob.Patton@state.mn.us for more information.

Environmental & Local Water Plan Review

Documents on proposed public and private projects are reviewed for impacts on agriculture. Staff also coordinate with the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) and other agencies on environmental issues or projects affecting agriculture. We help prepare department environmental documents and provide information on the state environmental review process. We also review county local water plans. Contact Becky.Balk@state.mn.us and Bob.Patton@state.mn.us at for more information.

Impaired Waters

The division conducts outreach to inform producers and producer groups about impaired waters and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). Staff meet with producers individually or in groups, participate in statewide conferences and, to the extent possible, participate in local watershed meetings held to prepare TMDLs to address water impairments. Also, the division supports MDA's role on the MPCA/Minnesota Environmental Initiative's Stakeholder Process. Contact Bob.Patton@state.mn.us and for more information.

Resource Use and Development

Agricultural Water Research Partnership
The division supports MDA's efforts in the partnership whose purpose is to design and evaluate technologies and practices that protect or mitigate the impact of agricultural drainage upon water quality. The membership of the Partnership includes the MDA, producers, scientists from the University of Minnesota, and drainage industry representatives. Projects in process or being planned include both intensive shallow and tiled drainage, alternative ditch design, bioremediation through wetlands and other bioreactor mediums and temporary dryland storage. Contact Mark.Dittrich@state.mn.us for more information.

Agriculture Best Management Practices (BMP) Loans

The program provides no interest loans to local units of government who in turn provide low interest loans to producers and others for BMPs to implement non-point source pollution priorities in local water plans. Division staff work with Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) and local water planners to develop applications, and an advisory committee reviews applications and advises on allocation decisions. Contact Dwight.Wilcox@state.mn.us for more information.

Animal Agriculture Support and Development

We provide information, educational and other forms of assistance to livestock producers on new developments in regulations, available resources and technologies, and work to develop opportunities for enhancing animal agriculture. Some loan funding is available to farmers and others implementing anaerobic manure digestion technology. Contact Bob.Patton@state.mn.us for more information.

Conservation Programs

Staff provide information on federal and state conservation programs and monitor major developments in federal and state conservation policy relative to Minnesota agriculture. Contact Barbara.Weisman@state.mn.us for more information.

Rotational Grazing Systems

In cooperation with NRCS, we assist livestock producers with rotational grazing plans. Rotational grazing offers benefits for natural resource protection, high quality production and use of forage throughout the growing seasons, and the farm’s cash flow. Rotational grazing is an effective livestock management system for protecting water, especially in sensitive riparian areas. Rotational grazing plans can be used by farmers to apply for cost-share programs such as USDA EQIP funds. Contact Wayne.Monsen@state.mn.us for more information.

Soil Quality, Rainfall Simulation, and Cover Crops

The rainfall simulation project assists farmers, researchers, extension, and state agency staff with designing and implementing on-site research to study the interaction of rainfall and various tillage systems, including water retention, runoff, etc. Simulated rainfall is a primary tool used on farms to assess tillage management effects on soil and water quality.

The MDA is cooperating with southeast Minnesota farmers to seed a winter rye cover crop in standing corn and soybeans using a helicopter. Rye seeded in late summer germinates in the understory of the cash crop and produces and strong stand after the cash crop is removed. Helicopter seeded rye provides a tremendous opportunity for late fall and early spring grazing on these landscapes. Grazing the rye takes the pressure off permanent pastures at times when they are vulnerable to overgrazing. Contact Mark.Zumwinkle@state.mn.us for more information.

  • Assessing the Soil System: A Review of Soil Quality Literature (PDF: 635 KB / 71 pages)
  • MDA teaches students about rain and erosion
    Students attending the 2008 Children's Water Festival at South Central College in North Mankato got a first hand look at how different coverage of soils can have a dramatic impact on . . . >> Read More


The activity regulates the release of genetically engineered agriculturally related organisms in Minnesota. Contact Mary.Hanks@state.mn.us for more information.

Sustainable Agriculture

Organic and Diversified Agriculture

Organic products are a fast-growing sector of the food industry domestically and internationally, and is recognized as an important production option for Minnesota producers. We offer information and technical assistance on organic production methods, conversion to organic, certification, etc. to growers, processors, and consumers. Producer surveys help us stay current with the needs of organic growers in Minnesota. We also work with state, federal and nonprofit agencies to coordinate efforts to support the organic sector. The program also administers cost-share funds to help defray the costs of organic certification. Contact Meg.Moynihan@state.mn.us.

Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grants

Grants provide a maximum of $25,000 to farmers, researchers, educators and non-profit organizations for on-farm demonstrations that last up to three years. The projects demonstrate farming methods or systems that increase energy efficiency, reduce agricultural chemical usage, and show environmental and economic benefits. A technical review panel evaluates the applications and makes recommendations. Summaries of project results are published annually in the Greenbook. Contact Jeanne.Ciborowski@state.mn.us for more information.

Sustainable Agriculture Loans

Low-interest loans for purchasing new or used equipment and/or facilities assist farmers in making the transition to more environmentally sound, profitable practices. Loan application: (PDF: 1,004 KB / 8 pages). Contact Mary.Hanks@state.mn.us for more information.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

The activity promotes strategies to increase IPM on private and state managed lands. IPM is a balanced approach to pest management which incorporates chemical, biological and cultural methods. IPM activities include: IPM information for growers and land managers on alternative choices in pest management; developing an IPM Program for school districts; facilitating IPM use in fruit and vegetable production; and providing IPM information to the general public. Contact Jeanne.Ciborowski@state.mn.us or Anthony.Cortilet@state.mn.us for more information.

Biological Control Facility (BCF)

The BCF is a greenhouse designed for insect rearing and as a classroom. Beneficials are reared for release in atriums, households, conservatories, and greenhouses to demonstrate how beneficial insects and mites can control pests. The BCF also hosts school visits. Contact Neil.Cunningham@state.mn.us for more information.

Biological Control Laboratory

Major activities are centered on maintaining insect colonies for beneficial releases, research, or educational projects, and insect identification and preservation. The laboratory also focuses on mass rearing systems and diets for pests and beneficial insects, field collection and distribution of biological control agents, and monitoring the establishment and success of released agents. The laboratory also houses the MDA's Insect Reference Collection which contains close to 20,000 pinned insect specimens and are cared for by Dr. John Luhman. Contact Natasha.Northrop@state.mn.us for more information.

Quarantine Facility

The MDA-University of Minnesota (UMN) quarantine facility is located within the current greenhouse complex of the UMN, St. Paul Campus. It is a biological control research facility and insect quarantine facility licensed by USDA. Current UMN research includes screening biocontrol agents of soybean aphid and garlic mustard. Contact the Quarantine Officer at 612-625-3779 or Zhishan.Wu@state.mn.us.

Weed Biological Control

The project develops biological pest management strategies for exotic and invasive weed species in Minnesota. We provide landowners with methods of weed management that use plant-feeding insects to produce long-term, sustaining, and cost effective results. Currently efforts are directed at leafy spurge and spotted knapweed. Contact Monika.Chandler@state.mn.us for more information.