Minnesota Department of Agriculture logo MDA header picture collage
Ag in the Classroom header illustration (left panel) Ag in the Classroom header illustration (right panel)   kids header background


NEW DVD RELEASE - Minnesota's renewable energy story is now here for you!

Fields of Energy logoPreview the Ethanol Segment (WMV: 13.5 MB)
Preview the Cellulose segment (WMV: 7.96 MB)
Preview the Biodiesel segment (WMV: 8.26 MB)

Grades 7-10 Minnesota science teachers are going to love this one!
Order Now!

4/18/2008 - Download the Fields of Energy Teacher Guide (PDF: 1.41 MB / 57 pages)

NEW - National Power Plant Garden - Virtual Tour - a USDA developed demonstration garden of plants with potential as renewable energy sources



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Find resources & education opportunities here!
New Sesqicentennial Timeline Available.

A brand new nutrition kit sponsored by the USDA Ag in the Classroom Program
The Farmer Grows a Rainbow
The Farmer Grows a Rainbow

This kit provides teachers with classroom-ready resources to improve nutrition education among Pre-K-5th grade students.

green arrow About Minnesota Ag in the Classroom (MAITC)

Since its inception in 1985, the MAITC education program has been a unique public/private partnership. Currently, the program is based at the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), with financial and administrative support from the MAITC Foundation. The Foundation was formalized in July of 2007, with Emily Zweber serving as Director. Al Withers serves as Program Director at the MDA.

The mission of MAITC is "to promote understanding and awareness of the importance of agriculture". We have been delivering agricultural literacy to students and educators since 1986. Our educational materials and programs provide a wealth of opportunities for integrating agriculture into the core K-12 curriculum.

The MAITC Team – countless volunteers, generous annual funding partners, committed Board of Directors and committees, the Foundation, MDA and staff – have made a positive impact on advancing agricultural literacy across Minnesota. Together we tell the story of agriculture by creating opportunities for people to learn through the credible education materials and programs we provide for their use.