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Daily climate data
for several thousand stations east of the Rocky Mountains. Parameters reported include: high, low and mean temperatures; precipitation; snowfall; snowdepth and degree days. Limited data is available on pan evaporation, and soil temperatures. Many of these stations go back to 1948, although some stations go back to the turn of the century.
Surface hourly observations
for over 100 sites in the eastern half of the U.S. Parameters reported include: air temperature, dewpoint, wet-bulb, pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction.
Hourly precipitation
for select Midwestern sites.
Local Climatological Data
[paper records]
for most major midwestern cities. The LCD reports are a certified publication produced by the National Climatic Data Center that includes summary of the day data, hourly precipitation, and 3-hourly observations including cloud cover and visibility.
Storm Data
[paper records]
for flood, hail, high wind, tornado, blizzard and any other strange or unusual weather reports.  
Historical Climate Division
Historical Climate Division (digital) data back to 1895 for temperature, precipitation, degree days and Palmer drought indices on a monthly basis.
Solar radiation
data for select sites are available on a daily, monthly or annual basis.
Potential evapotranspiration
data for select sites are available on a daily, monthly or annual basis.
Modeled soil moisture
data for Midwestern climate divisions back to 1949 on a weekly basis.
CD-ROM Products  

Please note that these sample products are just a few of the formats and products that the MRCC has developed. Other formats and products may be available. Some of these products are available on our on-line subscription service, the Midwest Climate Information System (MICIS), and others are only available through a special order placed with our Service Office. For more information, call (217) 244-8226 or write:

Midwestern Regional Climate Center
2204 Griffith Drive
Champaign, IL 61820

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