Mid-Atlantic Information Network for Pesticides & Alternative Strategies Program



WVU Agricultural Pest Management Practices Personnel Directory

Registration Notification Network

Look What's Out There Information

Links to Other Sites

John F. Baniecki, Ph.D. Project Leader
Entomology/Plant Pathology, Prof. Extension Specialist

M. Essam Dabaan, Ph.D. Program Research Assistant

414 Brooks Hall
P.O. Box 6057
Morgantown, WV 26506

The mission of the Mid-Atlantic Information Network for Pesticides and Alternatives Strategies is to promote informed regulatory decisions on registered pesticides used on commodities grown in states of the Mid-Atlantic region. Emphasis will be placed on decisions related to the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA). As a member of the Mid-Atlantic region, the West Virginia Information Network for Pesticides and Alternatives Strategies program was established to:
  • Improve the level of knowledge, awareness, and understanding about pest management practices, including pesticides, and pesticide use and usage for individuals and agencies making regulatory decisions.
  • Bring together key individuals to form partnerships and collaborations that will promote more informed decision-making on pest management practices including pesticide usage.
  • Enhance the productivity and global competitiveness of the U.S. agricultural production system.

Pesticide Briefs - University of Delaware
Pesticide Notes - University of Maryland
Cornell Pesticide Info Newsletter - Cornell University
NJ Information Network for Pesticides & Alternative Strategies  - Rutgers University

Program Activities

West Virginia Problem Weeds: Research Summary
          (WVU) (PDF Format 202k)
Crop Profiles    
Crop Profile for Field Corn in West Virginia (PDF) - March 2004  
Crop Profile for Potatoes in West Virginia - June 2003     
Crop Profile for Alfalfa in West Virginia
Crop Profile for Apples in West Virginia - June 2003  - PDF Format
Crop Profile for Peaches in West Virginia - PDF Format - 628k
Crop Profile for Strawberries in West Virginia
Crop Profile for Sweet Corn in West Virginia
Crop Profile for Tobacco in West Virginia
Crop Profile for Tomatoes in West Virginia - PDF Format 227k
West Virginia Beef Cattle Profile
Crop Profile for Dairy in West Virginia
Pesticide Usage for Dairy Cattle Production Systems
Pesticide Use on Rights-of-Way in Kentucky
West Virginia Agricultural Facts
Agriculture In The Mountain State

new2.gif (1282 bytes) Research Summary Report for Pest Management practices
used by West Virginia Corn Growers
Results of the 1997 Pest And Pesticide Use Assessment For Dairy Cattle Production Systems in West Virginia
Pesticide Information Needs Survey Summary (1997)
Pest and Pesticide Use Assessment for Dairy Cattle, Announcement (1997)
West Virginia Tick Information (1997)
Turf Growth Regulators (1997)
Florida Strawberry Integrated Pest Management and Pesticide Use Survey for 1995
Report Review: Production and pest management practices of Minnesota organic fresh market vegetable growers in 1995