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Scholarly Communication and Publishing Issues

Is there a ‘crisis’ in scholarly communications as widely reported in the last few years? Decide for yourself. There are certainly some trends that dramatically affect research, university budgets, and the scholarly mission. That is, these trends affect you, whatever your discipline or position in academia.

Stanford’s Science and Engineering Libraries have cut many subscriptions because prices are increasing so rapidly. Devaluation of the dollar and older content being resold in a digital format has further eroded our buying power.

Publishing scholarly communications is an international, multi-billion dollar business. Mergers in the publishing industry have reduced competition. While e-journals have the potential to be less expensive than print copies, some publishers have adopted pricing models that protect revenue streams, regardless of what format is purchased. There are also a number of issues affecting long-term access to digital resources that need to be addressed. For example, should Stanford locally archive e-journals or rely on publishers to provide long-term access?

We invite members of the Stanford community to consider supporting publications produced by non-profit professional societies and institutional repositories which are viable alternatives to the for-profit journals. We also suggest that Stanford authors negotiate with journal publishers to retain certain copyrights.

This website was created to help users learn more about these critical issues and to develop strategies for addressing them.

What Stanford is Doing

Highlights what has been happening at Stanford to address issues in scholarly publishing. Shows profile of expensive journals in the Stanford University Libraries. Shares strategies and invites support and advice in aligning library resources with programmatic needs.

What You Can Do

Encourages authors, editors, readers, and administrators to provide leadership in thinking about scholarly publishing so that it is economically sustainable. Offers recommendations to authors about retaining selected rights or copyright ownership of scholarly output. Provides information to help authors, editors, and referees choose which journals to support.

What is Happening in Scholarly Publishing

Covers trends as well as publishing models and initiatives. Increases awareness about needs related to infrastructure and long-term access of digital content.

What Other Institutions are Doing

Provides links to selected institutions and organizations involved in scholarly communication and publishing issues.

Contact Us

Last modified: May 6, 2008

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