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Temperate Agroforester

March 2004

News of the science and practice of temperate agroforestry in North
America, brought to you by the Association for Temperate Agroforestry

*Midwestern Agroforestry Practices Tour
*WCA Regular Registration Deadline
*New Vistas in Agroforestry
*Farm Woodland Forum
*CRP Hardwood Tree Initiative
*Sustainable Agriculture Lectures at UCD

Midwestern Agroforestry Practices Tour
The University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry will offer a tour June
23-25, 2004 to showcase both research demonstrations and o­n-farm
applications of temperate agroforestry practices including windbreaks,
riparian forest buffers, forest farming, alley cropping, and silvopasture in
Missouri and Iowa. Registration deadline is June 1 and space is limited.
Attendance at the World Congress of Agroforestry in Orlando, FL is not
required to participate in this pre-congress tour; it is open to anyone. For
more information, contact Julie Rhoads,

WCA Regular Registration Deadline
The deadline for "regular" registration for the First World Congress of
Agroforestry, June 27 to July 2, 2004, in Lake Buena Vista, FL is March
31. Registration rates increase by US$50 ($25 for students) thereafter.
Consult the conference website for full details.

"New Vistas in Agroforestry"
This compendium of selected papers to be presented at the First World
Congress of Agroforestry is now in press and will be sold during the
conference at a special discount price (US$20). Edited by P.K. Nair, M.R.
Rao and L.E. Buck, and published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, the
compendium contains 31 papers in the following sections: Systems,
Practices, Components; Biological and Ecological Issues; Economics,
Marketing and Adoption; and Knowledge Integration.

Farm Woodland Forum
Formerly known as the UK Agroforestry Forum, the Farm Woodland
Forum provides information about farming with trees in the UK. Members
of the Forum are involved in research and practice o­n alley cropping and
silvopasture practices appropriate for the UK and other temperate regions.
Since 1986, the group has held annual meetings o­n topics related to
temperate agroforestry (summaries can be viewed o­nline) and published
the "UK Agroforestry Forum Newsletter," also viewable o­nline.

CRP Hardwood Tree Initiative
As part of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), the USDA offers
cost share incentives to landowners to plant hardwood trees in riparian
areas for flood control, wildlife habitat, carbon-sequestration and water
quality improvement. Although the Hardwood Tree Initiative is targeted at
floodplains in the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio River valleys and the
southern coastal plain, most states have some allotment out of 500,000
acres nationally. Program participants will receive 50 percent of the cost to
establish the trees, an annual rental payment for 14 to 15 years, and
technical assistance to plant the trees. Consult your local Farm Services
Agency office for details.

Sustainable Agriculture Lectures at UCD
The University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and
Education Program (UC SAREP) presents "The Science of Sustainable
Agriculture: Measuring the Immeasurable," a series of lectures in 2003-4
to explore the concept of sustainability as it relates to agriculture, the
environment, communities, and society at large. Presentations by a variety
of speakers o­n key issues and topics related to agricultural sustainability
have wider implications beyond California. The lecture schedule and video
archive can be viewed o­nline.

Thanks to the following correspondents for the information they
contributed this month to the Newsline: Gary Kuhn, Alain Olivier, Julie
Rhoads, and Sarah Workman. Thanks also to "HortIdeas o­nline."

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Association for Temperate Agroforestry

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