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Flood Recovery Assistance
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The Minnesota Department of Agriculture offers assistance to affected farmers in a number of ways.

Disaster Loan Program

The Disaster Recovery Loan Program is designed to help farmers pay for the cost of clean-up and removal of debris, lost seed or other crop inputs (including machinery repair), feed and livestock when damaged by high winds, hail, tornado or flood and not covered by insurance.  The program offers affordable financing to repair existing agricultural buildings to pre-disaster conditions. 

*** Applications must be received by August 1, 2008 to qualify under the 2007 disaster declarations.

Farm Advocate Program

Our Farm Advocate Program provides farmers, small business operators and other residents with one-on-one assistance. They are trained and experienced in helping farmers access federal aid and other resources available to them in a time of crisis. They are also trained to provide emotional support for those recovering from floods and other natural disasters.

Rural Finance Authority Programs

Ag Improvement Loan Program - This loan program can provide financing for buildings that have been lost to flooding and are being replaced with new buildings.

Restructure II Loan Program - Farmers can use this loan program to refinance their debt, which will provide them with funds to repair flood damage of an agricultural nature. Under this program, the RFA works with a local lender to help farmers.

Other Programs

The MDA also provides farmers and small-business owners with technical information they can use when cleaning up and starting over after the flood waters recede. The MDA's Dairy & Food Inspection Division also inspects grocery stores and other food facilities to assess damage and help determine when they may reopen.

In addition to these state programs and activities, the MDA is working closely with federal officials in the Farm Service Agency to determine the needs of farmers affected by the flooding.

Assistance for flood damage may also be available through the Federal Farm Service Agency. USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or the Small Business Administration (SBA). Call the office nearest you.