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Associations and Information Sources o Crop Production o Equipment Manufacturers o Food Safety o Marketing o Search Engines--Agriculture o Seed Sources o Specialty Crops o Sustainable Agriculture & IPM o Trade Magazines and Other Publications

Associations and Academic, Commercial, and Government Information Sources, Ag headlines, legal issues, and links
American Council on Science and Health, food, nutrition, and health issues
American Society for Plasticulture, the use of plastics in agriculture
CDMS, Agricultural chemical database from Crop Data Management Systems, Inc.
Farm World, Alphabetical listing of farming associations
InfoHort, wholesale and retail hort commodity prices, Canada
International Fresh-cut Produce Assoc., information and resources for the fresh produce industry
International Herb Association
Irrigation Association, The, trade organization of the irrigation industry
National Agricultural Library
National Onion Association, Productions areas and marketing information
Northwest Food Processors Assoc., with links to many agricultural organizations
Oregon Dept. of Agriculture
Oregon Farmer's Handbook, an evolving educational reference tool
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
USDA, Kimberly, ID, The use of polyacrylamide to control erosion in furrow irrigation.
Washington State Dept. of Agriculture
Washington State University County Extension Offices

Crop Production

British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food Hort Page
Center for New Crops and Plant Products, Purdue University
Colorado Crop Production Guides, including pests, irrigation, fertilizers
Cornell Controlled Environment Agriculture Programs, handbooks for CEA-production of lettuce, spinach, and pak choi
Crop Production Budgets, Rutgers University
EDIS: University of Florida ag and natural resource reference source
Greenhouse Vegetables, North Carolina
Minnesota Crops Systems
Nebraska Horticulture Publications
Northwest Berry & Grape Information Network. Rotating into Strawberries? Berry Cultural and Market Info here
Ohio State University VegNet, vegetable production in Ohio
Vegetable Crops Page--Pennsylvania State University
Vegetable Crops Hotline and Pest Newsletter--Purdue University
Vegetable Production Class, Virginia Tech University --guides to many aspects of vegetable production

Equipment Manufacturers

AutoFarm, precision agriculture equipment
John Deere, tractors
Kennco Mfg., plastic laying and removal, bedders, transplanters
Kifco/Ag-Rain, irrigation reels
Kubota, tractors
Mechanical Transplanter, transplanters
Multivator, rotary-powered cultivators
New Holland tractors
Pikrite, vegetable harvesting equipment
Solex, vegetable planting equipment
Trimble Co., equipment for precision agriculture

Food Safety

Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, a guide for the produce industry


Agribusiness Online Information Network, a great source of ag marketing information and links
Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, USDA-sponsored site for value added agriculture
Farmer's Markets, outlets for your fresh vegetables?
Herb Growing and Marketing Network
IMPACT Center, Washington State Univ., International marketing program for ag commodities
State Marketing Profiles, agricultural marketing profiles from USDA

Search Engines--Agricultural, Agri-Internet searching, markets
Web-Agri, agricultural search engine

Seed Sources

SeedQuest, contains a listing of vegetable seed companies by crop

Specialty Crops

Agricultural Systems, Bamboo, edamame (vegetable soybean), other crops from Washington State Univ.
Alternative Nature Online Herbal Newsletter, lots of Herb links
American Bamboo Society, information on bamboo production
Asian Vegetables in Ontario
Fungi Perfecti, Mushroom culture
Growing and Selling Fresh-Cut Herbs
Oregon Small Farms Webpage, many links to herb pages
Purdue University New Crops Page
Rhubarb Compendium, The, taxonomy, production, and bibliography

Sustainable Agriculture and IPM

Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University
Illinois Integrated Pest Management Page, IPM info for several fruit and veg crops
Integrated Pest Management, New York
Organic Materials Review Institute
Oregon Tilth, Organic Certification
Organic Production Practices, Northeastern United States, Organic Crop Production Budgets from Rutgers University
Organic Vegetable Production, New York
Sustainable Agriculture Library, links to sources of information on sustainable agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, UC Davis
Sustainable Farming Connnection--Learn and share information on sustainable farming practices
Sustainable Practices for Vegetable Production in the South, North Carolina State University
Univ. of California Pest Management Guidelines
USDA National Organic Program

Trade Magazines and Other Publications

Fresh Cut Magazine
Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre, extensive publications on vegetables
USDA Agricultural Statistics Service
The Vegetable Growers News

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