Welcome to the NE-183 Regional Apple Cultivar Evaluation Project
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NE-183 Apple Cultivar Evaluation Project

Note: as of early 2005, NE-183 was discontinued and a new 'committe' evolved, NECC-1009: Multidisciplinary Evaluation of Tree Fruit Cultivars. For now, ne183.org will host NECC-1009 results, documents, and other pertinent information related to evaluation of tree fruit cultivars.

!!!2007 Annual Meeting, November 14, Grand Junction, CO!!!

Detailed Meeting/Registration Information


I. Evaluate horticultural qualities and pest susceptibility of new apple cultivars, strains, and advanced selections at numerous locations throughout the United States to determine both the limitations and positive attributes of these cultivars.

II. Develop horticultural and pest management strategies for new cultivars or cultivar strains that are emerging as commercially-acceptable cultivars.

III. Compare the cost of production and profitability of new apple cultivars.

Zestar!, an early apple cultivar in the 1999 NE-183 Planting

History, Background, and Justification

Apple production in the United States is a strong and viable industry producing a crop value of over $1.6 billion dollars annually. Much of the growth and economic viability of this industry has been based upon the development of cultivars for new and traditional markets. Increasingly the U.S. is competing with foreign producers. Chile, Brazil, South Africa, New Zealand, the European Economic Union, and eastern European countries all impact the market price and sale of apples in the United States. In order to stay competitive it is important to rapidly deploy new and viable apple cultivars. This research will test the performance of new apple cultivars for different growing regions within the U.S., and develop new protocols for managing these cultivars.

NE-183 News

2005 NECC-1009 Annual Meeting Minutes

2004 Annual Meeting Minutes

2003 Annual Meeting Minutes

2003 Annual Report

2002 Annual Meeting Minutes

2002 Annual Report

2001 Annual Meeting Minutes

2001 Annual Report

NE-183 is partially funded by the U.S. hatch Act in partnership with USDA and CSREES and partcipating State Agricultural Experiment Stations. For more information visit the Northeast Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors.


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