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Water Headlines for February 11, 2008

Benjamin H. Grumbles
Assistant Administrator
Office of Water

Water Headlines is a weekly on-line publication that announces publications, policies, and activities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Water.

In This Week’s Water Headlines:

Green Transportation Infrastructure

Although EPA does not have a position on the "Green Transportation Infrastructure Research and Technology Transfer Act" (H.R. 5161) EPA supports efforts to raise awareness and stimulate research and action for green infrastructure. The U.S. House of Representatives Science and Technology Subcommittee on Innovation recently approved the legislation last week with an amendment, and will be considered by the full committee next. Subcommittees of the U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee are also considering the legislation.

"The bill recognizes our country can accelerate environmental and transportation progress together," said Assistant Administrator for Water Benjamin H. Grumbles. "Through our January 2008 Green Infrastructure Strategy and the President's Executive Order 13423 (Strengthening Federal Energy, Environmental, and Transportation Leadership), EPA and the Department of Transportation are working together to advance common goals and protect watersheds, such as our Green Highways partnership in the Mid-Atlantic region. The growing emphasis on green transportation infrastructure will be key to meeting our ambitious goals for protecting wetlands and managing stormwater."

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February 20th Webcast on Wastewater Utilities Using Sustainable Watershed Approaches

EPA's Watershed Academy sponsors free monthly Webcasts for watershed practitioners from around the globe. On Wed., February 20, 2008, presenters will discuss how sustainable watershed approaches are being used to help utilities identify the best practices to address a variety of management challenges. This live Internet seminar will provide a brief introduction to EPA’s Sustainable Infrastructure Initiative and will highlight the work of two utilities to use sustainable watershed management approaches.

The Webcast will feature Andy Crossland, Sustainable Infrastructure Coordinator, US EPA; Kevin Shafer, P.E., Executive Director, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District; and Stefanie Farrell, Engineering Services Coordinator, Hallsdale-Powell Utility District. To register, visit: Exit EPA Disclaimer (scroll down to February 20th Webcast and click on "registration"). For more information or to access archived audio versions of past Webcasts, please visit:

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Stormwater BMP Performance Webcast Available

On February 6th, EPA sponsored a webcast on Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Performance featuring nationally known experts. The webcast was recorded and is available on the NPDES website The webcast introduced EPA's Urban BMP Performance Tool to over 3900 attendees, and provided detailed information on the state of scientific research into the performance of stormwater BMPs. The instructors discussed a wide variety of factors, including pollutant removal, volume reduction, costs, and many other factors that should be considered when selecting permanent (post-construction) stormwater BMPs. Included was a comparison of three common BMP types (traditional wet and dry ponds and newer Green Infrastructure techniques, such as bioretention). The presenters discussed the advantages of the Green Infrastructure BMPs, particularly their ability to reduce the volume of stormwater discharged to rivers, lakes, and coastal waters.

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