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Water Headlines for July 17, 2006

Benjamin H. Grumbles
Assistant Administrator
Office of Water

Water Headlines is a weekly on-line publication that announces publications, policies, and activities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Water.

In This Week’s Water Headlines:

July is Smart Irrigation Month

EPA's new WaterSense program is working with the Irrigation Association to promote July as Smart Irrigation Month. Smart Irrigation Month is intended to help educate industry and the public about the benefits of water-saving products, practices and services. Nationwide, landscape irrigation is estimated to account for roughly one-third of all residential water use. Smart irrigation practices use less water and can result in healthy lawns and reduced water bills. Plus, they're easy to do! For more information about smart irrigation practices and Smart Irrigation Month, visit:

EPA Accepting Applications for Water Efficiency Leader (WEL) Awards

EPA is pleased to announce the creation of a new awards program, designed to recognize organizations and individuals who are providing leadership and innovation in water efficient products and practices. Recognition will be given on the basis of persuasive community or organizational leadership in the area of water efficiency, originality and public purpose, global perspective and implications, and overall improvements in water efficiency. Award recipients gain national recognition for accomplishments and the opportunity to share case studies and best practices with other leaders. For more information on the program and how to apply, please visit The application deadline is July 28, 2006.

EPA and Federal Highway Administration to Collaborate on Infrastructure Asset Management

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will work together to address the growing and increasingly complex infrastructure-related challenges that lie ahead for both agencies and the United States. On July 11, 2006, Benjamin Grumbles, EPA Assistant Administrator for Water and King Gee, FHWA Associate Administrator for Infrastructure, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on their agencies' intentions to identify and collaborate on asset management approaches.

The agreement recognizes the benefits and potential synergies that can result from inter-agency collaboration. It is intended to facilitate working arrangements between the agencies; provide opportunities for cross-training; encourage information sharing; and identify common approaches including possible policy initiatives. For further information about the MOU, contact Steve Allbee in the Office of Wastewater Management at (202) 564-0581.

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Proposed Rule Public Meetings

EPA is holding public meetings on the proposed regulatory revisions under the Clean Water Act for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations that were published in the Federal Register on June 30, 2006. The purpose of the meetings is to enhance public understanding of the proposed regulations for CAFOs. The meetings are not a mechanism for submitting formal comments on the proposal. The meetings will consist of a brief presentation by EPA officials on the proposed regulations followed by a question and answer session. Meetings are being held in
Monday, July 24, Fayetteville, NC
Tuesday, July 25, Ames, IA
Tuesday, August 1, Golden, CO
Wednesday, August 2, Dallas, TX
Thursday, August 3, Sacramento, CA
For more information, times, and locations visit

Webcast on Benefits of Watershed-Based NPDES Permitting

On Wednesday, July 19th, EPA's Watershed Academy will host a free Webcast seminar entitled, Benefits of Watershed-Based National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting, featuring Patrick Bradley and Jennifer Molloy from EPA's Office of Wastewater Management. This interactive on-line seminar will cover mechanisms to implement watershed-based permitting and issues related to managing storm water and other wet weather impacts. Bob Steidel and Federico Maisch will also present a case study about Richmond's watershed-based approach. Because of the growing popularity of these Webcasts and the limited number of available spaces, we strongly encourage participants to reserve a conference room and invite colleagues and other partners to join in. To register, please visit

The Academy's June 28th Webcast, Influencing Behaviors Using Social Marketing attracted than 363 participants from 39 states, Argentina and the District of Columbia. An archived version of this Webcast and past Webcasts are available for downloading (or as a Podcast). Please visit for more information. These two-hour audio Web broadcasts build local capacity and support the watershed pillar of EPA's Sustainable Water Infrastructure Initiative by helping watershed organizations, agencies, municipalities, and private industry create more sustainable communities using a coordinated watershed approach.

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