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WaterNews for February 24, 2006

Benjamin Grumbles
Assistant Administrator
Office of Water

WaterNews is a weekly on-line publication that announces publications, policies, and activities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water.

In This Week’s WaterNews:

Open House and Funding Brochure on Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Damaged by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

State and federal agencies held an Open House in Baton Rouge on February 13, for owners and operators of drinking water and wastewater facilities that were affected by the recent hurricanes. The Open House focused on how to obtain federal and state funding and technical assistance for rebuilding efforts. It was sponsored by the Louisiana Recovery Authority and Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, in conjunction with EPA Region 6 and eight other federal agencies, and was attended by more than 125 drinking water and wastewater stakeholders from the affected Parishes.

At the Open House, a new brochure was distributed on "Federal Funding for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Damaged by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in Louisiana", prepared by EPA in cooperation with other agencies. The brochure describes application procedures and eligible uses for all relevant funding programs. A similar brochure has been prepared by EPA for the six southern counties of Mississippi.

EPA’s Watershed Academy to Sponsor Webcast on Sustainable Financing for Watershed Groups

EPA sponsors monthly Webcasts to offer free training and information for watershed practitioners from around the globe. These two-hour audio Web broadcasts build local capacity and support the watershed pillar of EPA’s Sustainable Water Infrastructure Initiative by helping watershed organizations, agencies, municipalities, and private industry create more sustainable communities using a coordinated watershed approach,

The next Webcast is slated for Wed., March 22, 2006. Wendy Wilson and Pat Munoz from River Network will explore the keys to effective fundraising, including organization essentials and top fundraising strategies and plans. Registration is available on a first-come/first-served basis and will open approximately one week before the seminar. Each Webcast includes a Web-based slide presentation with a companion audio portion that can be accessed either by phone or by streaming audio broadcast. For more information, visit:

On February 15, 2006, the Academy hosted a Webcast on the Plan2Fund Watershed Tool. The Webcast attracted more than 226 participants from 39 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Audio versions of this and past Webcasts are available at: The presentation can also be downloaded to an IPOD or MP3 player. For more information about the Plan2Fund Watershed Tool, visit: EPA Disclaimer

Supreme Court Reviews 3 Clean Water Act Cases

On February 21, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in 2 wetlands cases (Rapanos, Carabell) and a dam/water quality certification case (S.D. Warren). The Administration, represented by the Solicitor General, argued strongly for maintaining EPA’s current regulatory and non-regulatory tools to protect wetlands, tributary streams, and watersheds.

Water Efficiency Factoid

Did you know that water-efficient clothes washers use about one-third to one-half the amount of water of older models? Water-efficient models use up to about 25 gallons per cycle, while some inefficient models use over 40 gallons per cycle. The most water-efficient models can use as little as 12 gallons per cycle.

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