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Summer Food Service Program

States: Model Programs

Model SFSP programs exist across the country and often go unrecognized. These outside-of-the-box programs represent the diverse and innovative partnerships that exist to keep the SFSP interesting for children. In some cases, these innovative ideas are the only way a community could have a program. A booklet of model programs is now available for download.   

The Model Programs booklet showcases 24 programs across the country that have designed workable programs in partnership with agencies as diverse as Hospitals, Departments of Health, Boards of Education and Americorps. The booklet also contains a wide variety of ideas to reach rural children and other special populations.   

The booklet's cover is in color, but may be printed in black and white. We have developed two versions of the booklet. The first is a one-sided document in Adobe Acrobat Reader format (.pdf), that provides the model program information one page at a time.   

If your printer is capable of printing two-sided copies, then you may prefer to print this information in booklet form. To print a booklet, first print the cover as a one-sided document, by itself, in color or black and white. Then print the interior portion of the booklet, using the two-sided feature of your printer. After printing the cover and the interior, place the cover on top of the other pages, and affix stables along the center. Then fold the booklet in half. If you have a model program, please send us your ideas. 

Last modified: 10/30/2008