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Hydrometeorological Automated Data System

The links on this page contain the Data Collection Platform (DCP) definitions as they exist in HADS.

The pages exist on a  state-by-state basis.   All pages are updated Monday through Friday at 4:35pm Eastern time.

Within each page is the complete HADS definition for each site and each page is a file of plain ASCII text ... suitable for downloading/saving locally and for printing.

Each site definition is one line, or one record within the file.  Each field within the definition is spearated by a vertical bar "|".

The fields represent the following:

GOES NESDIS ID  |  NWSLI  |  DCP Owner  |  State Location  |  Hydrologic Service Area  |  Latitude  |  Longitude  | Inital Daily Transmission  Time (UTC)  | DCP Transmission Interval (Minutes) |
DCP Location Name |  Decoding Modes  | Up to 20 Sets of  Physical Element Information  |

Decoding mode can be S for Selftimed data only,  R for Random data only, or  B for Both selftimed and random data.

Latitudeand longitude are expressed in degrees  minutes  seconds.

Parameter information are the SHEF Physical Element  (PE) codes,  the recorded time intervals (in minutes) of the data, the offset time for the specific PE  code and any Base Elevation or adjustment value applied to the specific PE.

Example:  A site up-links 15 minute HP data at 0127 UTC and every 4 hours, and a Base Elevation adjustment has been defined at 500 feet.

Its' SHEF parameterfields would be |HP|15|12|500.00 ... meaning to offset the time of the observed data time back 12 minutes to the nearest quater hour to indicate that the most recent value of HP from this site was at 0115 UTC and that all other HP values are separated by 15 minute periods. Additionally, an adjustment of 500.00 feet will be added to the observed data value.

Alabama Indiana Nebraska Rhode Island
Alaska Iowa Nevada South Carolina
Arizona Kansas New Hampshire South Dakota
Arkansas Kentucky New Jersey Tennessee
California Louisiana New Mexico Texas
Colorado Maine New York Utah
Connecticut Maryland North Carolina Vermont
Delaware Massachusetts North Dakota Virginia
Florida Michigan Ohio Washington
Georgia Minnesota Oklahoma West Virginia
Hawaii Mississippi Oregon Wisconsin
Idaho Missouri Pennsylvania Wyoming
Illinois Montana

Other Areas
Canada El Salvador Guatemala Honduras
Mexico Nicaragua Puerto Rico

The Entire HADS Network (~11mb)

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National Weather Service
Office of Hydrologic Development
Page last modified: 30 January 2007
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