CFAES OSU Ohioline, Welcome

+It's New!
+Extension Offices
+Fact Sheets

+Site Map


+College of Food,
and Environmental

+College of
Human Ecology

Ohio State


Communications & Technology
216 Kottman Hall
2021 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210-1044
Telephone: (614) 292-2011
Fax: (614) 292-2270

Ohioline is a resource production of the Section of Communications and Technology in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.

The Section of Communications and Technology provides communications support (electronic and printed material; news and media relations, graphic design, photography, printing, publication production and distribution) college-wide and computer support to Ohio State University Extension.

Fair Use

Information from Ohioline must be used in context and all identification, logos, indicia, and credits be maintained.

All or part of the Fact Sheets contained on Ohioline may be copied without permission for educational, non-profit purposes. Credit must be given to "Ohio State University Extension."

If Ohioline content is copied to another server, please forward the URL to Ohioline webmaster .


Ohioline is both a web and CD-ROM product. Ohioline-CD is a mirror of the Ohioline-Web for use offline. Ohioline-CD has been having annual updates. Information on purchasing Ohioline-CD is available at CD Order Information.

Purchasing Publications

All Ohioline Bulletins are available as for-sale publications. Information on Publications is available through the online catalogs: Extension Publications and Research Publications.

Questions about Content

Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center provide a wide range of knowledge and expertise in the form of outreach publications. Even with the thousands of documents, this body of knowledge is still not exhaustive. If you are unable to find the information you need through Ohioline, please contact your local county extension office. Ohio offices are listed in this directory.

Questions about links

Linking to Ohioline

There are no limitations on making links from your website to Ohioline.

Requesting a link from Ohioline

Links from Ohioline are typically limited to educational and reference sites. While not strictly prohibited, commercial sites are not listed. Any questions or recommendations on links from Ohioline should be directed to Bob Furbee, Head, Section of Communications and Technology.

Reporting a problem with Ohioline

Ohioline is an ever-changing information resource. If you are having problems with Ohioline or discover errors please report them to Ohioline webmaster .

Looking for Older Publications

Our goal for Ohioline is to have every publication online. Unfortunately, this will take some time as we update and expand. Bulletins that are not yet online, will be added as they are updated.

Expecting a Publication

If you are expecting a publication to be on the server, please check the Its New page for the most recent additions.

If you have further questions or comments, contact:


Webmaster - Ohioline Production -
Janis Cripe - Publication Sales -

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Bobby D. Moser, Vice President and Dean

(614) 292-6891

Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
Steve Slack, Director

(330) 263-3701

Ohio State University Extension
Keith L. Smith, Director

(614) 292-4067

  College & Departments

    All educational programs conducted by Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender, age, disability or Vietnam-era veteran status.
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