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BMC Immunology


Melissa Norton, MD

Biology Editor
Penelope Webb, PhD

In-house Editor
Rikki Graham

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BMC Immunology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of cellular, tissue-level, organismal, functional, and developmental aspects of the immune system. BMC Immunology (ISSN 1471-2172) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE, Thomson Reuters (ISI) and Google Scholar.

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BMC Immunology 2008, 9:73
Patients with different grades of asthma severity show differences in immunological parameters, with mild asthma exhibiting a Th2 cytokine profile, and more lymphocyte apoptosis than severe forms of asthma, in which Th1 cytokines predominate, and inflammation persists.
wikipedia Muhammad Mahdi Karim
BMC Immunology 2008, 9:65
The presence of microbial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in sterile food given to young germ-free mice stimulates the expansion and function of cells of their immune system in the same way that live bacteria are known to do.

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Immunome Knowledge Base (IKB): An integrated service for immunome research
Csaba Ortutay, Mauno Vihinen
BMC Immunology 2009, 10:3 (9January2009)
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Research article
High expression of 5-lipoxygenase in normal and malignant mantle zone B lymphocytes
Yilmaz Mahshid, Marcus-Rene Lisy, Xiao Wang, Rainer Spanbroek, Jenny Flygare, Birger Christensson, Magnus Bjorkholm, Birgitta Sander, Andreas J.R. Habenicht, Hans-Erik Claesson
BMC Immunology 2009, 10:2 (9January2009)
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Research article
Modulators of the arginine metabolism support cancer immunosurveillance
Giusy Capuano, Nicolo Rigamonti, Matteo Grioni, Massimo Freschi, Matteo Bellone
BMC Immunology 2009, 10:1 (9January2009)
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Research article
Forced IFIT-2 expression represses LPS induced TNF-alpha expression at posttranscriptional levels
Susanne Berchtold, Birigt Manncke, Juliane Klenk, Julia Geisel, Ingo B Autenrieth, Erwin Bohn
BMC Immunology 2008, 9:75 (24December2008)
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Insulin-like growth factor I promotes cord blood T cell maturation through monocytes and inhibits their apoptosis in part through interleukin-6
Helen KW Law, Wenwei Tu, Enmei Liu, Yu Lung Lau
BMC Immunology 2008, 9:74 (17December2008)
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Changing survival, memory cell compartment, and T-helper balance of lymphocytes between severe and mild asthma
A S Abdulamir, R R Hafidh, F Abubakar, K A Abbas
BMC Immunology 2008, 9:73 (16December2008)
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Dose dependent effects of platelet derived chondroitinsulfate A on the binding of CCL5 to endothelial cells
Christian Weingart, Peter J Nelson, Bernhard K Krmer, Matthias Mack
BMC Immunology 2008, 9:72 (10December2008)
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Identification of distinct human invariant natural killer T-cell response phenotypes to alpha-galactosylceramide
Joanne E Croudace, Stuart M Curbishley, Manuela Mura, Carrie R Willcox, Petr A Illarionov, Gurdyal S Besra, David H Adams, David A Lammas
BMC Immunology 2008, 9:71 (3December2008)
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Interleukin-1beta and tumour necrosis factor-alpha impede neutral lipid turnover in macrophage-derived foam cells
Jenny Persson, Jan Nilsson, Marie W Lindholm
BMC Immunology 2008, 9:70 (25November2008)
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Tolerance induced via TLR2 and TLR4 in human dendritic cells: role of IRAK-1
Valerie Albrecht, Thomas P.J. Hofer, Brian Foxwell, Marion Frankenberger, Loems Ziegler-Heitbrock
BMC Immunology 2008, 9:69 (24November2008)
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Uterine tumours resembling ovarian sex cord tumours: a case report
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Selenoprotein S (SEPS1) gene -105G>A promoter polymorphism influences the susceptibility to gastric cancer in the Japanese population
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