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BMC Endocrine Disorders


Melissa Norton, MD

Medical Editor
Jigisha Patel, MRCP PhD

In-house Editor
Joseph Dunckley

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BMC Endocrine Disorders is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of endocrine disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. BMC Endocrine Disorders (ISSN 1472-6823) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE and Google Scholar.

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From Wikipedia
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:15
Levels of the thyroid hormones thyrotropin, thyroxine and triiodothyronine are highest in the month after birth and fall markedly during childhood and adolescence suggesting adult reference levels are inappropriate for use in the pediatric setting.
US Department of Energy
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:12
Well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus is not characterized by increased oxidative DNA damage and telomere attrition in colonic epithelium cells, which suggests that the associated carcinogenesis in the colonic mucosa arises through different mechanisms.

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Research article
Waist circumference and insulin resistance: a cross-sectional study of Japanese men
Shinji Tabata, Shinichiro Yoshimitsu, Tadamichi Hamachi, Hiroshi Abe, Keizo Ohnaka, Suminori Kono
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2009, 9:1 (12January2009)
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Research article
Cardiovascular autonomic function tests in an African population
Malvin Torsvik, Amanda Haegblom, Geir Egil Eide, Erich Schmutzhard, Kaare Vetvik, Andrea Sylvia Winkler
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:19 (30December2008)
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Study protocol
The Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study: study protocol
Jackie F Price, Rebecca M Reynolds, Rory J Mitchell, Rachel M Williamson, F Gerald R Fowkes, Ian J Deary, Amanda J Lee, Brian M Frier, Peter C Hayes, Mark WJ Strachan
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:18 (11December2008)
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Research article
Association of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy and comorbidity in diabetes: results from the Vermont Diabetes Information System
Maria E. Ramos-Nino, Charles D. MacLean, Benjamin Littenberg
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:17 (5December2008)
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Research article
Prediction of peak pressure from clinical and radiological measurements in patients with diabetes
Nick A Guldemond, Pieter Leffers, Geert HIM Walenkamp, Nicolaas C Schaper, Antal P Sanders, Fred HM Nieman, Lodewijk W Van Rhijn
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:16 (2December2008)
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Research article
Pediatric reference intervals for thyroid hormone levels from birth to adulthood: a retrospective study
Klaus Kapelari, Christine Kirchlechner, Wolfgang Hogler, Katharina Schweitzer, Irene Virgolini, Roy Moncayo
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:15 (27November2008)
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Research article
Safety and tolerability of sitagliptin in patients with type 2 diabetes: a pooled analysis
Debora Williams-Herman, Elizabeth Round, Arlene S Swern, Bret Musser, Michael J Davies, Peter P Stein, Keith D Kaufman, John M Amatruda
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:14 (27October2008)
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Study protocol
The AQUA-FONTIS study: protocol of a multidisciplinary, cross-sectional and prospective longitudinal study for developing standardized diagnostics and classification of non-thyroidal illness syndrome
Johannes W Dietrich, Axel Stachon, Biljana Antic, Harald H Klein, Steffen Hering
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:13 (13October2008)
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Research article
Lack of association of colonic epithelium telomere length and oxidative DNA damage in Type 2 diabetes under good metabolic control
Deepak Kejariwal, Karolina M Stepien, Tracy Smith, Hugh Kennedy, David A Hughes, Mike J Sampson
BMC Endocrine Disorders 2008, 8:12 (10October2008)
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Research article
Exercise training in the aerobic/anaerobic metabolic transition prevents glucose intolerance in alloxan-treated rats
Clcia Soares de Alencar Mota, Carla Ribeiro, Gustavo Gomes de Arajo, Michel Barbosa de Arajo, Flvia de Barros Manchado-Gobatto, Fabrcio Azevedo Voltarelli, Camila Aparecida Machado de Oliveira, Eliete Luciano, Maria Alice Rostom de Mello
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A female survivor of childhood medulloblastoma presenting with growth-hormone-induced edema and inflammatory lesions: a case report
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Disabling osteomalacia and myopathy as the only presenting features of celiac disease: a case report
Costantine Albany, Zhanna Servetnyk
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Impaired IGF1-GH axis and new therapeutic options in Alstrom Syndrome patients: a case series
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Patient complexity in quality comparisons for glycemic control: an observational study
Monika M Safford, Michael Brimacombe, Quanwu Zhang, Magala Rajan, Minge Xie, Wesley Thompson, John Kolossa, Miriam Maney, Leonard Pogach
Implementation Science 2009, 4:2 (6January2009)
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