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Fire Program Analysis

Welcome to the information site for the Fire Program Analysis (FPA) System.

Bureau of Indian Affairs logo
Bureau of Land Management logo
Fish and Wildlife Service logo
National Park Service logo
Forest Service logo
The National Assocation of State Foresters logo

Prototyping the FPA System

Seven Fire Planning Units (FPUs) have been invited to participate in the prototyping phase of the project - Southern Sierra, Central Oregon, Color Country in Utah, Alaska, Central Florida, New Jersey and Northwest Montana.

These FPUs represent a mix of different unit complexities such as, multiple federal and non federal partners, geographic areas, and diverse fire regimes. Their feedback, suggestions, and prototyping efforts are critical to the evolutionary development of the FPA system.

Individual FPU's participating in the prototype phase will be testing one or more fire simulation models, data input processes, or user interface features to determine the most useful and efficient tools, to meet budget planning needs.

The goal of the FPA prototype phase is to solidify system requirements and to evaluate all the component parts of the model that represent risk. This enables the project to more accurately assess the expected cost and schedule for implementing the scope of FPA as recommended by the Interagency Science Team and approved by the Wildland FIre Leadership Council.