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Discovery Learning Engagement              
Office of the Provost
Hovde Hall, Room 100
610 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040
(765) 494-0665
Fax: (765) 496-2031
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The mission of Purdue University is to serve the citizens of Indiana, the United States,
and the world through discovery that expands the realm of knowledge, learning
through dissemination and preservation of knowledge, and engagement through
exchange of knowledge.

Discovery: Grounded in the most advanced theoretical, empirical, and applied
methods, the University’s programs of research, scholarship, and creative endeavor
expand the realm of knowledge across a wide range of academic disciplines.

Related Links
bullet Information Technology at Purdue
bullet Office of Engagement
bullet Purdue University Libraries
bullet Purdue Opportunity for Indiana Program
bullet The Graduate School
bullet Vice President for Research


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