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Volcano Review 2008

We Appreciate Your Support!

Your Fees Help Support the Monument

Interpretive services and facilities on the Westside of Mount St. Helens are supported by your purchase of a Monument Pass.

Passes are $8 per adult (youth 15 years old and younger are free).

Passes are required at monument visitor centers, adjacent trails, and at the Coldwater Lake Recreation Area. Monument Passes can be purchased at the Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center and the Johnston Ridge Observatory.

On the northeast and south sides of the monument a National Forest Recreation Pass is required. The cost is $5 per vehicle per day. Annual passes are $30. Passes are sold at Forest Service offices and at self-service pay stations around the monument. Details at: http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/passespermits/nfdp.shtml.

Purchase Your Annual Pass at Mount St. Helens

Fees from pass sales stay right here to support the services and facilities that you enjoy during your visit.

An Interagency Annual Pass is available for $80. It has two signature lines and can be used by two pass holders. At per person fee sites it admits the pass holder and up to three persons. Interagency Annual, Senior, and Access passes are available at monument visitor centers and Forest Service offices. The passes are honored nationwide at Forest Service, National Park Service, BLM, Bureau of Reclamation, and US Fish & Wildlife Service sites charging entrance or standard amenity fees. Information about the interagency annual pass program is available at: http://www.fs.fed.us/passespermits/rec-fee.shtml.

Golden Eagle Passports that were sold in 2006 will be honored until they expire. Golden Age and Golden Access Passports will continue to be honored for the lifetime of the pass holder.

Remember, your fees stay here to support the services and facilities you use. Keep and use or return for others to use.