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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are transportation systems which utilize information, communication, sensor, and control technologies to achieve improved levels of performance. The U.S. DOT has developed a National ITS Program Plan for ITS which provides a new vision for surface transportation in America. The ITS Program includes seven major elements:

  • Travel & Transportation Management
  • Travel Demand Management
  • Public Transportation Management
  • Electronic Payment
  • Commercial Vehicle Operations (ITS/CVO)
  • Emergency Management
  • Advanced Vehicle Control & Safety Systems

The ITS/CVO element includes the ITS technologies which uniquely support Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO). The scope of CVO includes the operations associated with moving goods and passengers via commercial vehicles over the North American highway system and the activities necessary to regulate these operations. It includes activities related to safety assurance, commercial vehicle credentials and tax administration, roadside operations, freight & fleet management, and vehicle operation.

The term commercial vehicle information systems and networks (CVISN, pronounced see' vision) refers to the ITS information system elements that support CVO. CVISN includes information systems owned and operated by governments, carriers, and other stakeholders. It excludes the sensor and control elements of ITS/CVO.

For an overview of the CVISN program, review the Statement Of Direction. For more details, download the Introduction to CVISN

A Report to Congress on "Providing Carrier-, Driver-, and Vehicle-Specific Information to the Roadside" has been prepared. It describes progress by the FHWA in planning for the design, deployment, and maintenance of an integrated collection of commercial vehicle information systems to provide needed carrier- , driver- , and vehicle-specific information to enforcement officers and other users in the motor carrier community. From the enforcement officer's perspective, these information systems are necessary to maintain and improve highway safety as the volume of motor carrier activity increases throughout North America.

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