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Kansas City Financial Center

Customer Advisory Board

The Customer Advisory Board (CAB) for the Kansas City Financial Center (KFC) has been established to provide customer agencies a forum to express ideas, concerns and suggestions, and to have input into program planning and product development. The benefit to all is in strengthening relationships and ensuring ongoing communications.

All customer agencies of KFC are invited to become CAB members and participate in the semi-annual meetings.

CAB Chair: Debbie Byrd, CDC (December 2008 - present)

"I feel very honored to have spent the last couple of years as Vice Chairperson under Joe Vitale. The Customer Advisory Board's accomplishments, meeting agendas, ideas, and product development are why Federal agencies are proud to be represented. My blessings are my wonderful family and as a survivor you live every day to its fullest!"
     Debbie Byrd, Centers for Disease Control

CAB Vice Chair: Gloria Owens, EPA, (December 2008 - present)

"I am thankful for the blessings in my life in regard to my family and career with the federal government. I now have over 30 years of service with the federal government and I have many wonderful experiences as well as met many great acquaintances and friends. My previous Supervisor, Joseph Safadi was voted as Chair of the CAB just prior to his passing. It is an honor to follow in his footsteps and I thank you all for selecting me."
     Gloria Owens, Environmental Protection Agency
      Research Triangle Park

Upcoming CAB Meetings:

June 10-11, 2009
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Click here for more information.

CAB Information

CAB Fact SheetPDF file (49 kb)

CAB Testimonials

CAB Agencies

New Orleans CAB: December 2008

Orlando CAB: May 2008

Kansas City CAB: December 2007

New Member Information

CAB CharterPDF file (24 kb)

CAB Designation FormPDF file (20 kb)

If you have any questions regarding the Customer Advisory Board, please e-mail

   Last Updated:  Monday January 05, 2009

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