Tuesday, December 30

Ask binglish

Painting by April Rodell, she asked binglish.

As you know, I am open for emails and questions, and if I can help, GREAT! If not I'll try to point you in the right direction! My friend April had a couple of great questions:

How do you protect your artwork like a writer does with a copywriter?

I can't say I'm an expert on this, I bet every artist wonders the details of copy write laws. A couple of months ago I went to a professional development course for artists and the instructor said that if you make it, you automatically own the copyright for the original piece and it's image.
But that still doesn't mean someone can't print it from a website or somewhere else online. I know for this reason many artists embed watermarks to protect the image. Now with photoshop that doesn't even make it secure. For more detailed information about art copy write laws learn more click this link: H.R. 5889 Orphan Works Act of 2008

Next question:
If you paint with acrylics... Do you use gloss or Matte varnish? I was upset when I varnished a painting with gloss and it is so shiny that in the light you can't see it for the reflection!?!?!

Playing with finishes is tough. You can imagine in your head what you want, but don't know what product is best. Even the employees at the art store can't read your mind!

I have used lots of varnishes and guess what? If it's too shiny, go over it with a matte varnish, or other matte seal, Mod Podge works too. It'll take the shine right away. After you experiment with a bunch of different options, you'll learn what you like and then the mystery is solved!
I hope this helps! Now I have a question for you!
If you're a living room artist like me, without a studio, and not much space... how you do cope? Staying organized is tough and having a place for all of your supplies is necessary, especially if you are going all out to make your art happen.

Send me your "Staying Organized" stories and I'll post your comments in my next blog about how to hide all those supplies amoungst the living/kitchen/dining areas of your home!
Happy New Year!