Thursday, January 8, 2009

Orphan Works Legislation

Recently, I received more mail on the subject of Orphan Works Legislation.

The body of the letter was actually the text from this website:

And here is the video mentioned in the text:

My answer to this would be:
Interesting, to a point. Understandably, everybody is up in arms about this.To get a better view, maybe check out this site: and look under the tab: Legislation.
From there, you will find many useful links, articles and blogs regarding this subject.
These I found informative and interesting:

My Quote: NO SOUP IS EATEN AS HOT AS IT IS COOKED. It won't fly without amendments.

Currently, there are many art and photo sites on the internet, and from what I read, I don't need a "paid for registry" (though some poor sap might be conned into that) - the existing ones (and any that may follow to make a quick buck) , in my opinion, rate on the same level as Vanity Galleries.
The (free) service ConceptArt speaks of is also served by many other sites (I belong to oodles of art and photo sites, besides my own website, and through any one of them searchers can get my contact easily, so none of my works are 'orphaned')............

early works by De Es Schwertberger on Vimeo

early works by De Es Schwertberger on Vimeo

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Do's and Don'ts for Sharing Electronic Images | CARFAC Ontario

A very good guide for Artists that submit electronic (digital) images to competitions, on-line galleries etc.

Protect yourself against copyright violations by submitting web-ready low resolution images that still look good on the web, but not very useful for printing. Although the guide recommends a maximum size of 1024 x 768 pixels at maximum 500 kb resolution, I have found that some of my larger images on my web site display very well with much clarity at less than 200 kb. At that size and resolution, they do not yield satisfactory prints.

At 423 x 600 pixels and 80 kb, the image below from my web site illustrates this point:


Acrylic on Canvas 14” x 10” 1983

Larger images could be protected with a watermark. Some Artists don't like to do that, since often it appears way too intrusive.

Do's and Don'ts for Sharing Electronic Images CARFAC Ontario