NIOSH Mining Safety and Health Research

Ground Control Downloadable Mining Publications

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There are 339 Ground Control related publications listed on this page. Click the icon next to the publication title to show or hide details for that publication. Or, click the icons below to show or hide details for all publications. (For this many publications, there will be a noticeable delay when showing or hiding all details.)

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Show the details for this publication60 Years of Rockbursting in the Coeur D'Alene District of Northern Idaho, USA: Lessons Learned and Remaining Issues
Show the details for this publicationAccuracy and Precision of Microseismic Event Locations in Rock Burst Research Studies
Show the details for this publicationAdvance and Relieve Mining: A Method to Mitigate the Effects of High Horizontal Stress on the Mine Roof
Show the details for this publicationAdvances in Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Rock Falls and Slope Failures
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis and Design Considerations for Superimposed Longwall Gate Roads
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis and Design of Rib Support (ADRS): A Rib Support Design Methodology for Australian Collieries
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis of Bench Crest Performance at the Yellowstone Mine: A Case Study
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis of Highwall Mining Stability - The Effect of Multiple Seams and Prior Auger Mining on Design
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis of Multiple Seam Stability
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis of Pillar Design Practices and Techniques for U.S. Limestone Mines
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis of Practical Ground Control Issues in Highwall Mining
Show the details for this publicationAn Analysis of Rock Failure Around a Deep Longwall Using Microseismics
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis of Roof Bolt Systems
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis of Safety Aspects and Mining Practices for Effective Ground Control in Surface Mining
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis of Seismic Signatures from Gas and Dust Based Explosions at the Lake Lynn Experimental Mine
Show the details for this publicationAnalysis of the Interaction Between Mobile Roof Supports and Mine Strata
Show the details for this publicationAnchorage Pull Testing for Fully Grouted Roof Bolts
Show the details for this publicationApplication of Ground Penetrating Radar to Evaluate the Extent of Polyurethane Grout Infiltration for Mine Roof Control: A Case Study
Show the details for this publicationApplication of Parametric Column Analysis to Evaluate Eccentric Loading Conditions on Prop Support Performance
Show the details for this publicationApplication of Physical Modelling and Particle Flow Analysis to Evaluate Ore-pass Design
Show the details for this publicationApplication of the Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR) to Extended Cuts
Show the details for this publicationApplications of Ground-Based Radar to Mine Slope Monitoring
Show the details for this publicationApplications of Ground-Based Radar to Mine Slope Monitoring
Show the details for this publicationApplications of the Point Estimation Method for Stochastic Rock Slope Engineering
Show the details for this publicationAn Approach to Identifying Geological Properties from Roof Bolter Drilling Parameters
Show the details for this publicationAssessing and Monitoring Open Pit Mine Highwalls
Show the details for this publicationAssessing Roof Fall Hazards for Underground Stone Mines: A Proposed Methodology
Show the details for this publicationBehavior of a Coal Pillar Prone to Burst in the Southern Appalachian Basin of the United States
Show the details for this publicationBehavior of Simulated Longwall Gob Material
Show the details for this publicationBest Practices and Bolting Machine Innovations for Roof Screening
Show the details for this publicationBest Practices to Mitigate Injuries and Fatalities from Rock Falls
Show the details for this publicationBolt Load Changes During Initial Face Advance and Cross-Cut Breakthrough
Show the details for this publicationCalculation of Vertical Stress Exerted by Topographic Features
Show the details for this publicationCanopy and Base Load Distribution on a Longwall Shield
Show the details for this publicationCase History of the Response of a Longwall Entry Subjected to Concentrated Horizontal Stress
Show the details for this publicationCase Studies of Cable Bolts Using Instrumented King Wires
Show the details for this publicationA Case Study of Bolt Performance in a Two-entry Gate Road
Show the details for this publicationCatastrophic Failures of Underground Evaporite Mines
Show the details for this publicationCause of Floor Self-Heatings in an Underground Coal Mine
Show the details for this publicationCharacteristics of Mining-Induced Seismicity Associated with Roof Falls and Roof Caving Events
Show the details for this publicationCoal Mine Burst Prevention Controls
Show the details for this publicationCoal Mine Geology in the U.S. Coal Fields: a State-of-the-art
Show the details for this publicationCoal Mine Seismicity and Bumps: Historical Case Studies and Current Field Activity
Show the details for this publicationCoal Mine Subsidence Prediction Using a Boundary-Element Program
Show the details for this publicationComparison of Ground Conditions and Ground Control Practices in the United States and Australia
Show the details for this publicationComparison of Seismic Tomography, Strain Relief, and Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements to Evaluate Stress in an Underground Pillar
Show the details for this publicationComparison of the Transverse Load Capacities of Various Block Ventilation Stoppings under Arch Loading Conditions
Show the details for this publicationComputer Modeling of Catch Benches to Mitigate Rockfall Hazards in Open Pit Mines
Show the details for this publicationComputer Simulation of Ground Behaviour and Rock Bolt Interaction at Emerald Mine
Show the details for this publicationConsiderations for Using Roof Monitors in Underground Limestone Mines in the USA
Show the details for this publicationControlling Roof Beam Failures From High Horizontal Stresses in Underground Stone Mines
Show the details for this publicationA Correlation Between Seismic Tomography, Seismic Events and Support Pressure
Show the details for this publicationCorrelation of Sonic Travel Time to the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of U.S. Coal Measure Rocks
Show the details for this publicationCreep Along Weak Planes in Roof and How It Affects Stability
Show the details for this publicationCurrent Research on Slope Movement in Mines: Use of Hyperspectral Imagery
Show the details for this publicationDamage Delineation in Structures Using Laser Vibrometry and Remote Excitation
Show the details for this publicationDeep Cover Pillar Extraction in the U.S. Coalfields
Show the details for this publicationDelineation of Fractures in Igneous Rock Masses Using Common Offset Radar Reflection
Show the details for this publicationDesign Analysis of Underground Mine Ore Passes: Current Research Approaches
Show the details for this publicationDesign and Testing of a Nondestructive Friction Bolt Tester
Show the details for this publicationDesign Considerations for the Next Generation of Longwall Shields
Show the details for this publicationDesign in Weak Rock Masses: Nevada Underground Mining Operations
Show the details for this publicationDesign Methodology for Standing Secondary Roof Support in Longwall Tailgates
Show the details for this publicationDesign Methods to Control Violent Pillar Failures in Room-and-Pillar Mines
Show the details for this publicationDesign of Primary Roof Support Systems in U.S. Coal Mines Based on the Analysis of Roof Fall Rates
Show the details for this publicationDesign Parameters of Roof Support Systems for Pre-Driven Longwall Recovery Rooms
Show the details for this publicationDesign Spans: Underhand Cut-and-Fill Mining
Show the details for this publicationDetecting Problems With Mine Slope Stability
Show the details for this publicationDetecting Strata Fracturing and Roof Failures from a Borehole Based Microseismic System
Show the details for this publicationDetermination of In Situ Deformation Modulus for Cemented Rockfill
Show the details for this publicationDetermination of Physical Properties of Cable Bolts in Cement Grout Pull Tests Using Instrumented King Wires
Show the details for this publicationDevelopment of a Statistical-Analytical Approach for Assessing Coal Bump Potential
Show the details for this publicationDevelopment of an Automated PC-Network-Based Seismic Monitoring System
Show the details for this publicationDevelopment of Ground Response Curves for Longwall Tailgate Support Design
Show the details for this publicationDevelopment of New Protocols to Evaluate the Transverse Loading of Mine Ventilation Stoppings
Show the details for this publicationDevelopment of Stress Measurements and Instrument Placement Techniques for Longwall Coal
Show the details for this publicationDevelopments in Sealant Support Systems for Ground Control
Show the details for this publicationDiagnosing and Controlling Moisture-Sensitive Roof Rock in Coal Mines
Show the details for this publicationDifferential Wall Rock Movements Associated with Rock Bursts, Lucky Friday Mine, Coeur d'Alene Mining District, Idaho, USA
Show the details for this publicationDischarge Water Handling and Treatment: Problems and Solutions at a Large Pittsburgh Seam Coal Mine
Show the details for this publicationDrill Monitor With Strata Strength Classification in Near-Real Time
Show the details for this publicationDyanmic Failure in Deep Coal: Recent Trends and a Path Forward
Show the details for this publicationThe Effect of Standing Support Stiffness on Primary and Secondary Bolting Systems
Show the details for this publicationEffect of the Dip and Excavation Orientation on Roof Stability in Moderately Dipping Stone Mine Workings
Show the details for this publicationEffects of Bolt Spacing, Bolt Length, and Roof Span on Bolt Loading in a Trona Mine
Show the details for this publicationEffects of Far-Field Shearing Deformation on Fracturing Around an Underground Opening
Show the details for this publicationThe Effects of Roof and Floor Interface Slip on Coal Pillar Behavior
Show the details for this publicationEffects of Specimen Age on the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Weak Coal Measure Rocks
Show the details for this publicationEffects of Weak Bands on Pillar Stability in Stone Mines: Field Observations and Numerical Model Assessment
Show the details for this publicationAn Electromagnetic Spatial/Spectral Sensor for Geological Measurements
Show the details for this publicationEmerging Technologies and the Future of Geotechnical Instrumentation
Show the details for this publicationEmpirical Approaches for Opening Design in Weak Rock Masses
Show the details for this publicationEmpirical Approaches for Weak Rock Mass
Show the details for this publicationEmpirical Design of Span Openings in Weak Rock based upon Support Type Employed
Show the details for this publicationEnhanced Surface Control for Roof and Rib Support
Show the details for this publicationEnvironmental Impacts of Cemented Mine Waste Backfill
Show the details for this publicationEstimation of Shear Strength Using Fractals as a Measure of Rock Fracture Roughness
Show the details for this publicationEvaluating Techniques for Monitoring Rock Falls and Slope Stability
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of Instrumented Cable and Rebar Bolts as Ground Support at a Trona Mine
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of Instrumented Cable Bolts in Cement Grout to Determine Physical and Numerical Modeling Properties
Show the details for this publicationAn Evaluation of Microseismic Activity Associated with Major Roof Falls in a Limestone Mine: a Case Study
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of Pillar Recovery in Southern West Virginia
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of Polyurethane Injection for Beltway Roof Stabilization in a West Virginia Coal Mine
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of Several Natural Gamma Radiation Systems - a Preliminary Study
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of Support and Ground Response as Longwall Face Advances into and Widens Pre-Driven Recovery Room
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of the Effects of Length on Strength of Slender Pillars in Limestone Mines Using Numerical Modeling
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of the Impact of Standing Support on Ground Behavior in Longwall Tailgates
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of the Strength of Slender Pillars
Show the details for this publicationAn Evaluation of the Strength of Slender Pillars
Show the details for this publicationEvaluation of the Transverse Load Capacity of Block Stoppings for Mine Ventilation Control
Show the details for this publicationThe Evolution of Intelligent Coal Pillar Design: 1981-2006
Show the details for this publicationExamination of Design and Operation Practices for Longwall Shields
Show the details for this publicationAn Examination of the Loyalhanna Limestone's Structural Features and their Impact on Mining and Ground Control Practices
Show the details for this publicationExtreme Multiple Seam Mining in the Central Appalachian Coalfields
Show the details for this publicationFactors Influencing Intersection Stability in U.S. Coal Mines
Show the details for this publicationFailure Characteristics of Roof Falls at an Underground Stone Mine in Southwestern Pennsylvania
Show the details for this publicationFailure Mechanics of Multiple Seam Mining Interactions
Show the details for this publicationFeasibility of Using Laser-Based Vibration Measurements to Detect Roof Fall Hazards in Underground Mines
Show the details for this publicationField Evaluation of Mobile Roof Support Technologies
Show the details for this publicationField Observations and Numerical Studies of Horizontal Stress Effects on Roof Stability in U.S. Limestone Mines
Show the details for this publicationField Observations and Numerical Studies of Horizontal Stress Effects on Roof Stability in U.S. Limestone Mines
Show the details for this publicationField Performance Testing of Fully Grouted Roof Bolts
Show the details for this publicationField Test with Strain-Gauged Friction Bolts at the Gold Hunter Mine, Mullan, Idaho, USA
Show the details for this publicationField Tests of Cable Bolts Using Instrumented King Wires
Show the details for this publicationField Verification of Load Transfer Mechanics of Fully Grouted Roof Bolts
Show the details for this publicationField Verification of the Roof Fall Risk Index: a Method to Assess Strata Conditions
Show the details for this publicationField-Scale Void Detection in Coal Piles Using Resistivity Imaging
Show the details for this publicationA First Step in Developing Roof Support Design Criteria Based on Ground Reaction Data for Pittsburgh Seam Longwall Tailgate Support
Show the details for this publicationFLAC Simulation of Split-Pipe Tests on an Instrumented Cable Bolt
Show the details for this publicationForecasting Roof Falls with Monitoring Technologies - A Look at the Moonee Colliery Experience
Show the details for this publicationThe Forgotten Denominator: Pillar Loading
Show the details for this publicationGeologic Hazards and Roof Stability in Coal Mines
Show the details for this publicationGeology Roof Control and Mine Design
Show the details for this publicationGeology, Ground Control, and Mine Planning at Bowie Resources, Paonia, CO
Show the details for this publicationGeomechanics of Large Stone Structures: A Case History From the Washington National Cathedral
Show the details for this publicationGeomechanics of Reinforced Cemented Backfill in an Underhand Stope at the Lucky Friday Mine, Mullan, Idaho
Show the details for this publicationGeophysical Methods to Detect Stress in Underground Mines
Show the details for this publicationGeotechnical Factors Influencing Violent Failure in U.S. Mines
Show the details for this publicationGlobal Trends in Coal Mine Horizontal Stress Measurements
Show the details for this publicationGround Control Design for Highwall Mining
Show the details for this publicationGround Control for Highwall Mining
Show the details for this publicationGround Control Issues for Safety Professionals
Show the details for this publicationGuidelines for Permitting, Construction, and Monitoring of Retention Bulkheads in Underground Coal Mines
Show the details for this publicationHigh Stress Mining Under Shallow Overburden in Underground U.S. Stone Mines
Show the details for this publicationHorizontal Stress and Longwall Headgate Ground Control
Show the details for this publicationA Hybrid Statistical-Analytical Method for assessing Violent Failure in U.S. Coal Mines
Show the details for this publicationHydraulic Prestressing Units: An Innovation in Roof Support Technology
Show the details for this publicationIdentifying Moisture Sensitive Roof Rocks in Coal Mines
Show the details for this publicationImpact of Deformable Materials and Convergence on the Transverse Load Capacity of Mine Ventilation Stoppings
Show the details for this publicationImproving the Capability for Real Time Assessment of Roof Conditions Through Intelligent Roof Bolt Drilling Operations
Show the details for this publicationIn Focus - Cable Bolts: A 'New Support'
Show the details for this publicationIn Situ Stress at the Lucky Friday Mine (In Four Parts): 2. Analysis of Overcore Measurement From 5300 Level
Show the details for this publicationIn Situ Stress at the Lucky Friday Mine (In Four Parts): 3. Reanalysis of Overcore Measurements from the Star Mine
Show the details for this publicationIn Situ Stress at the Lucky Friday Mine (In Four Parts): 4. Characterization of Mine In Situ Stress Field
Show the details for this publicationIn Situ Stress Measurements at the Stillwater Mine, Nye, Montana
Show the details for this publicationIn Situ Stress Measurements Near the Ross Shaft Pillar, Homestake Mine, South Dakota
Show the details for this publicationIn the Field - Cribs Versus Cables
Show the details for this publicationInitial Stability Study of Large Openings for the National Underground Science Laboratory at the Homestake Mine, Lead, SD
Show the details for this publicationInstallation of a Digital, Wireless, Strong-Motion Network for Monitoring Seismic Activity in a Western Colorado Coal Mining Region
Show the details for this publicationInternational Experience with Longwall Mining into Pre-Driven Rooms
Show the details for this publicationThe Introduction of Roof Bolting to U.S. Underground Coal Mines (1948-1960): A Cautionary Tale
Show the details for this publicationInvestigation of a Rock-Burst Site, Sunshine Mine, Kellogg, Idaho
Show the details for this publicationInvestigation of Electromagnetic Emissions in a Deep Underground Mine
Show the details for this publicationInvestigation of Fully Grouted Roof Bolts Installed Under In Situ Conditions
Show the details for this publicationInvestigation of Pillar-Roof Contact Failure in Northern Appalachian Stone Mine Workings
Show the details for this publicationInvestigation of the Jacking Force Capability of Tunnel Liners
Show the details for this publicationLarge-Scale Strata Response to Longwall Mining: A Case Study
Show the details for this publicationLoad and Deflection Response of Ventilation Stoppings to Longwall Abutment Loading: A Case Study
Show the details for this publicationLoad Capacity and Stiffness Characteristics of Screen Materials Used for Surface Control in Underground Coal Mines
Show the details for this publicationLocal Earthquake Tomography for Imaging Mining-Induced Changes Within the Overburden above a Longwall Mine
Show the details for this publicationThe Long-term Performance of Surface Support Liners for Ground Control in an Underground Limestone Mine
Show the details for this publicationLongwall Retreat of Gate Road Pillars
Show the details for this publicationLongwall Shield and Standing Gateroad Support Designs - Is Bigger Better?
Show the details for this publicationLongwall Shield Recovery Using Mobile Roof Supports
Show the details for this publicationLongwall Tailgates: The Technology for Roof Support Has Improved, but Optimization is Still Not There
Show the details for this publicationMake it Safer with Roof Screen - Instructional Materials
Show the details for this publicationMapping Hazards with Microseismic Technology to Anticipate Roof Falls - A Case Study
Show the details for this publicationMaterial Properties Affecting the Stability of a 50-Year-Old Rock Dump in an Active Mine
Show the details for this publicationMechanics of a Large, Strain-Type Rock Burst and Design for Prevention
Show the details for this publicationA Method for Modeling Variation of In Situ Stress Related to Lithology
Show the details for this publicationA Method for the Selection of Rock Support Based on Bolt Loading Measurements
Show the details for this publicationA Methodology for Determining Gob Permeability Distributions and its Application to Reservoir Modeling of Coal Mine Longwalls
Show the details for this publicationMethods for Determining Roof Fall Risk in Underground Mines
Show the details for this publicationMethods of Determining the Orientations of Bedrock Fracture Systems in Southwestern Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia
Show the details for this publicationMicroseismic Activity Associated With a Deep Longwall Coal Mine
Show the details for this publicationMistakes, Misconceptions, and Key Points Regarding Secondary Roof Support Systems
Show the details for this publicationModeling the Effects of Longwall Mining on the Ground Water System
Show the details for this publicationMonitoring Coal Mine Seismicity with an Automated Wireless Digital Strong-Motion Network
Show the details for this publicationMULSIM/NL Application and Practitioner's Manual
Show the details for this publicationMULSIM/NL Theoretical and Programmer's Manual
Show the details for this publicationMultiple Seam Longwall Mining in the U.S. - Lessons for Ground Control
Show the details for this publicationMultiple Seam Mining Interactions: Case Histories from the Harris No. 1 Mine
Show the details for this publicationMultiple-Seam Mining
Show the details for this publicationMultiple-Seam Mining in the United States: Background
Show the details for this publicationMultiple-Seam Mining in the United States: Design Based on Case Histories
Show the details for this publicationMultiple-Seam Mining Interactions: Case Histories from the Harris No. 1 Mine
Show the details for this publicationNeural Network Technology for Strata Strength Characterization
Show the details for this publicationNew Developments with the Coal Mine Roof Rating
Show the details for this publicationNew Support Concepts for Hard Rock Mining Applications
Show the details for this publicationNew Tools for Roof Support Evaluation and Design
Show the details for this publicationNew Tricks for an Old Elephant: Revising Concepts of Coeur d'Alene Geology
Show the details for this publicationNIOSH Computer Programs for Bench Crest Failure Analysis in Fractured Rock
Show the details for this publicationThe NIOSH Shield Hydraulics Inspection and Evaluation of Leg Data (Shield) Computer Program
Show the details for this publicationNumerical Modeling for Increased Understanding of the Behavior and Performance of Coal Mine Stoppings
Show the details for this publicationNumerical Modeling of Paste Sills in Underhand Cut & Fill Stopes
Show the details for this publicationNumerical Modeling of the U1A Complex at the Nevada Test Site: Model Development and Comparison of Different Drift Mining Options
Show the details for this publicationNumerical Modeling Procedures for Practical Coal Mine Design
Show the details for this publicationObservations and Evaluation of Floor Benching Effects on Pillar Stability in U.S. Limestone Mines
Show the details for this publicationOccurrence and Remediation of Coal Mine Bumps: A Historical Review
Show the details for this publicationOptimizing Secondary Roof Support with the NIOSH Support Technology Optimization Program (STOP)
Show the details for this publicationOptimum Mine Designs to Minimize Coal Bumps: A Review of Past and Present U.S. Practices
Show the details for this publicationOrigin of Mining-Induced Fractures Through Macroscale Distortion
Show the details for this publicationOverview of Coal Mine Ground Control Issues in the Illinois Basin
Show the details for this publicationAn Overview of Geomechanics Safety Research on Mobile Roof Supports
Show the details for this publicationOverview of Ground Control Research for Underground Coal Mines in the United States
Show the details for this publicationAn Overview of Standing Roof Support Practices and Developments in the United States
Show the details for this publicationPerformance and Safety Considerations of Hydraulic Support Systems
Show the details for this publicationPerformance of Roof Support Under High Stress in a U.S. Coal Mine
Show the details for this publicationPillar Design and Strategies for Retreat Mining
Show the details for this publicationPillar Design Issues for Underground Stone Mines
Show the details for this publicationPillar Mechanics of Coal Mine Bursts: A Control Strategy
Show the details for this publicationPillar Stability Issues Based on a Survey of Pillar Performance in Underground Limestone Mines
Show the details for this publicationPillar Strength and Design Methodology for Stone Mines
Show the details for this publicationA Portable Spectro-Polarimetric Imager: Potential Mine Safety and Geologic Applications
Show the details for this publicationPossible Mechanism for Surface Vibrations Near Maxwell Hill, West Virginia
Show the details for this publicationPreventing Falls of Ground in Coal Mines With Exceptionally Low-Strength Roof: Two Case Studies
Show the details for this publicationPreventing Injuries Caused by Unrecognized Stone Mine Roof Beam Failures With a Pro-Active Roof Control Plan
Show the details for this publicationProceedings of the International Workshop on Rock Mass Classification in Underground Mining
Show the details for this publicationProceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coal Pillar Mechanics and Design
Show the details for this publicationProceedings: Mechanics and Mitigation of Violent Failure in Coal and Hard-Rock Mines
Show the details for this publicationProceedings: New Technology for Coal Mine Roof Support
Show the details for this publicationProceedings: New Technology for Coal Mine Roof Support: Errata Sheet
Show the details for this publicationProceedings: New Technology for Ground Control in Multiple-seam Mining
Show the details for this publicationProceedings: New Technology for Ground Control in Retreat Mining
Show the details for this publicationPumpable Roof Supports: Developing Design Criteria by Measurement of the Ground Reaction Curve
Show the details for this publicationPumpable Roof Supports: An Evolution in Longwall Roof Support Technology
Show the details for this publicationA Radar-based Highwall Rib-Thickness Monitoring System
Show the details for this publicationRecent National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Research Using Ground Penetrating Radar for Detection of Mine Voids
Show the details for this publicationReducing Roof Fall Accidents on Retreat Mining Sections
Show the details for this publicationReducing the Risk of Ground Falls During Pillar Recovery
Show the details for this publicationReinforcing Coal Mine Roof with Polyurethane Injection: 4 Case Studies
Show the details for this publicationThe Relationship of Roof Movement and Strata-Induced Microseismic Emissions to Roof Falls
Show the details for this publicationRemote Monitoring of Mine Seismicity and Earthquakes Using Radio Telemetry, Computers, and the Internet
Show the details for this publicationRetreat Mining Pillar Stability
Show the details for this publicationA Retrospective Assessment of Longwall Roof Support with a Focus on Challenging Accepted Roof Support Concepts and Design Premises
Show the details for this publicationRib Stability: Practical Considerations to Optimize Rib Design
Show the details for this publicationRock Bursting and Seismicity During Ramp Development, Lucky Friday Mine, Mullan, Idaho
Show the details for this publicationRock Damage Characterisation from Microseismic Monitoring
Show the details for this publicationRock Mass Behavior and Support Response in a Longwall Panel Pre-Driven Recovery Room
Show the details for this publicationRock Mechanics Investigations at the Lucky Friday Mine (In Three Parts): 1. Instrumentation of an Experimental Underhand Longwall Stope
Show the details for this publicationRock Mechanics Investigations at the Lucky Friday Mine (In Three Parts): 2. Evaluation of Underhand Backfill Practice for Rock Burst Control
Show the details for this publicationRock Mechanics Study of Lateral Destressing for the Advance-and-Relieve Mining Method
Show the details for this publicationRock Mechanics Study of Shaft Stability and Pillar Mining, Homestake Mine, Lead, SD (In Three Parts): 2. Mine Measurements and Confirmation of Premining Results
Show the details for this publicationRock Mechanics Study of Shaft Stability and Pillar Mining, Homestake Mine, Lead, SD (In Three Parts): 3. Geomechanical Monitoring and Modeling Using UTAH3
Show the details for this publicationRole of Fault Slip on Mechanisms of Rock Burst Damage, Lucky Friday Mine, Idaho, USA
Show the details for this publicationRoof and Rib Hazard Assessment for Underground Stone Mines
Show the details for this publicationRoof Bolt Response to Shear Stress: Laboratory Analysis
Show the details for this publicationRoof Monitoring Helps Prevent Injuries in Stone Mines
Show the details for this publicationRoof Monitoring in Limestone - Experience with the Roof Monitoring Safety System (RMSS)
Show the details for this publicationRoof Monitoring Safety System for Underground Stone Mines
Show the details for this publicationRoof Screening for Underground Coal Mines: Recent Developments
Show the details for this publicationRoof Screening: Best Practices and Roof Bolting Machines
Show the details for this publicationRoof Stability Issues in Underground Limestone Mines in the United States
Show the details for this publicationRoot Causes of Groundfall Related Incidents in U.S. Mining Industry
Show the details for this publicationSafer Mine Layouts for Underground Stone Mines Subjected to Excessive Levels of Horizontal Stress
Show the details for this publicationSeismic Event Data Acquisition and Processing: Distribution and Coordination Across PC-Based Networks
Show the details for this publicationSeismicity and Stress Changes Subsequent to Destress Blasting at the Galena Mine and Implications for Stress Control Strategies
Show the details for this publicationShear Mechanism for Mining-Induced Fractures Applied to Rock Mechanics of Coal Mines
Show the details for this publicationShear Origin of Tension in Excavation-Induced Fractures
Show the details for this publicationShear Strength Evaluation of Clay-Rock Mixtures
Show the details for this publicationShort-Encapsulation Pull Tests for Roof Bolt Evaluation at an Operating Coal Mine
Show the details for this publicationSimplified Hyperspectral Imaging for Improved Geologic Mapping of Mine Slopes
Show the details for this publicationSimplified Pre- and Post-Processing Technique for Performing Finite-Element Analyses of Deep Underground Mines
Show the details for this publicationSizing of Final Stumps for Safer Pillar Extraction
Show the details for this publicationSpatial Trends in Rock Strength - Can They Be Determined From Coreholes?
Show the details for this publicationStability Analysis of a Backfilled Room-and-Pillar Mine
Show the details for this publicationStability of Backfilled Cross-Panel Entries During Longwall Mining
Show the details for this publicationStability of Underground Openings Adjacent to the Sink Hole at the NIOSH Lake Lynn Research Laboratory
Show the details for this publicationStanding Support Alternatives in Western Longwalls
Show the details for this publicationStanding Support Alternatives in Western United States Longwalls
Show the details for this publicationThe State-of-the-Art in Coal Pillar Design
Show the details for this publicationA Static Fatigue Constitutive Law for Joints in Weak Rock
Show the details for this publicationStress Measurement of a Jointed Rock Mass During Drift Development
Show the details for this publicationStress Measurements for Safety Decisions in Longwall Coal
Show the details for this publicationA Study of the Ground Control Effects of Mining Longwall Faces Into Open or Backfilled Entries
Show the details for this publicationSubsidence Prediction Using a Laminated, Boundary-Element Program
Show the details for this publicationTechnique to Assess Hazards in Underground Stone Mines: the Roof Fall Risk Index (RFRI)
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 433 - Resin-Grouted Cables for Enhanced Coal Mine Roof Support
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 436 - Stope Leaching Reduces Surface Environmental Impacts From Underground Mining
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 443 - Design Practices for Multiple-Seam Room-and-Pillar Mines
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 445 - Updated Analysis of Longwall Pillar Stability (ALPS) Computer Program Incorporates New Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR)
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 455 - Roof Hazard Alert Modules
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 464 - Analysis of Retreat Mining Pillar Stability (ARMPS): Version 4.0 for Windows
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 465 - Method for Predicting Methane Emissions on Extended Longwall Faces
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 466 - Use of Seismic Tomography to Identify Geologic Hazards in Underground Mines
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 467 - Wood Crib Performance Model
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 470 - Analysis of Hangups and Structural Failure in Underground Mine Ore Passes
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 475 - Roof Monitoring Safety System for Underground Stone Mines
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 476 - Instrumented King Wire for Monitoring Cable Bolts
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 481 - Update: Roof Monitoring Safety System for Underground Stone Mines
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 482 - Ground Support Safety Training Video
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 483 - Safety Training Tools for Rock Scaling Personnel
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 492 - Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coal Pillar Mechanics and Design
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 493 - Proceedings: New Technology for Coal Mine Roof Support
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 504 - NIOSH Releases New AHSEM and ARBS Software Programs to Improve Ground Control
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 505 - NIOSH Releases New Coal Mine Roof Rating Software
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 506 - The Sky is Falling!: NIOSH Releases Safety Video for Surface Mining Operations
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 508 - NIOSH Releases New Safety Video: Make It Safer With Roof Screen
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 516 - ARMPS-HWM: New Software for Sizing Pillars for Highwall Mining
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 517 - New Updates for NIOSH Coal Mine Ground Control Software
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 520 - A Method to Characterize Risk Associated With Mine Roof Conditions
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 525 - NIOSH Releases New Skills Training Aid: Walk-Thru Roof Bolting Machine Trainer's Guide
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 526 - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rock Mass Classification in Underground Mining
Show the details for this publicationTechnology News 529 - New Technology for Ground Control in Multiple-Seam Mining
Show the details for this publicationTemperature Corrections to Earth Pressure Cells Embedded in Backfill
Show the details for this publicationTemporal Imaging of Mine-Induced Stress Change Using Seismic Tomography
Show the details for this publicationTests of Fibre-Reinforced Shotcrete at the Chief Joseph Mine, Butte, Montana
Show the details for this publicationThree Dimensional Microseismic Monitoring of a Utah Longwall
Show the details for this publicationThree-Dimensional Time-Lapse Velocity Tomography of an Underground Longwall Panel
Show the details for this publicationTime-Lapse Tomography of a Longwall Panel: A Comparison of Location Schemes
Show the details for this publicationToward Pillar Design To Prevent Collapse of Room-and-Pillar Mines
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Page last updated: 12/23/2008
Page last reviewed: 12/23/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division