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Tilt shift your photos

January 17, 2009 - 1 comment

A photo I took in Mobile, Alabama

I found a great little tool called TiltShift Maker, which fixes your photos so they look  miniatures. Here is a better explanation:

My latest work

My Portfolio
Busy Bee
Over Easy
Randaberg Golfklubb
Wiggins & Wiggins

Who am I?

Hei! I’m Magnus Jepson, freelance web designer and co-founder of WooThemes. I live in Stavanger, Norway, and I’m an avid golfer as well as a keen fly fisherman, and I also like random indoor activities like shredding on my guitar and staying healthy in the gym.

woothemes2 WooThemes is a WordPress theme club, which I started together with Adii and Mark Forrester in 2008. We have established ourselves as one of the biggest WordPress theme clubs on the market today and continue to grow with the ever-growing WordPress community.

Drop me a line

If you’d like to tell me about some exciting stuff or just say hei (hello in noggie speak), my email is

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